
Console utility that tracks Amazon Warehouse Deals and notifies you about price changes or if a new item pops up

MIT License


Amazon Warehouse Deals Alert

Console utility that scans for new warehouse deals and notifies you about their existence. Even via speech output on Mac OS ;-)


  • PHP 5.4

Installation from source


git clone
cd Amazon-WD-Alerts

Install all dependencies via composer:

composer install

Check if you don't have composer installed.

Download binary

Or just use this binary with all dependencies included:


Mac OS & Linux

./ B01BWAHNH4 299,99


cd Amazon-WD-Alerts
c:/path/to/php.exe check.php B01BWAHNH4 299,99

Where B01BWAHNH4 is the article number from Amazon and 299,99 is the maximum price you want to pay.

The price is additional. Leave it blank to just check for the deal itself. So for instance just do:


There is a config called .config.yml where you can define some options like smtp mail notifications or speech output on Mac OS.

How does it look like?

Console notification

Default interval is 30 seconds

Mac OS alert notification


There is a configuration file called .config.yml that allows you to set some flexible options:

mail:                    # mails are sent using swift mailer
  enabled: 0             # 1/0 smtp mailing enabled?
  username: user         # smtp username
  password: pass         # smtp password
  from: [email protected] # from email address
  to: [email protected]   # to email address (recipient)
  subjectPrefix: Warehouse Deal Found # prefix mail subjects with this
  smtp:   # smtp hostname
  port: 25               # smtp port
  security: ssl          # security, blank for unsecure, ssl/tls for secure connections, check swiftmailer documentation for more details
  enabled: 1             # 1/0 logging enabled?
  file: log/system       # log file name
hooks:                   # hooks - leave blank to disable
  shellStart:            # shell command that is executed on starting the script
  shellDeal:             # shell command that is executed if a deal was found | '%TITLE%', '%CONDITION%', '%PRICE%' is replaced by the findings
  shellNoDeal:           # shell command that is executed if there is no deal
  engine: Amazon                    # Name of the Engine to use, e.g. Amazon results in \dstuecken\WdAlerts\Crawler\Amazon\Engine
  updateInterval: 30                # interval in seconds for new requests to amazon
  enableMacOsNotificationHandler: 1 # show growl like notifications in mac os x
  enableMacOsSpeechOutput: 1        # shell_exec say command to enable speech output on mac os
  enableConsoleTextOutput: 1        # write status to console
  startBrowserIfDealFound: 1        # opens your favorite browser and opens your deal if one was found
  useRefLink: 1                     # set this to 0 if you don't want to credit the author :-(
  userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36 # user agent that is used for retrieving the pages
  acceptLanguage: de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4 # Accept-Language header for requests
  proxy:                            # https proxy, e.g. tcp://


How can i switch from to

Check out src/WdAlerts/Crawler/Amazon/config.yml to easily change it from to so that it looks like this:

  offersUrl:                                   # Base URL for Amazons new and used items
  searchFor: "#olpOfferList img[alt='Amazon Warehouse Deals']"                          # Search for this css selector within html of offersUrl
  xPathTitle: //*[@id="olpProductDetails"]/div[1]/h1                                    # Search for this XPath to find the title
  xPathPrice: //*[@id="olpOfferList"]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/span[1]                     # Search for this XPath to find the price
  xPathCondition: //*[@id="olpOfferList"]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/span             # Search for this XPath to find the condition
  xPathDescription: //*[@id="olpOfferList"]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/text()  # Search for this XPath to find the condition's description
  locale: de_DE                                                                         # Locale of

You could also copy the folder src/WdAlerts/Crawler/Amazon to src/WdAlerts/Crawler/AmazonCom, change it within there and set your Engine to engine: AmazonCom in the main configuration file (.config.yml).

How do I enable notification under Windows?

Edit the "shellDeal:" Option in .config.yml to something like:

shellDeal: msg %username% "Your deal %TITLE% is available for %PRICE%! Go get it!"
Extracted from project README
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