
Generate your .pdf invoices, letters, documents, etc. with templates based on YAML, HTML & SCSS

MIT License



Generate your .pdf invoices, letters, documents, etc. with templates based on YAML, HTML & SCSS.


  • Separates the document content from its form
  • Templates and contents can easily be combined with version control systems
  • Reads the actual content in simple YAML syntax
  • Generates documents layouted and styled via HTML and SCSS (with variables, @import statements, etc.)
  • Offers filters, inheritance, loops etc. in HTML templates via Nunjucks
  • Organizes multiple templates and flavours for template variants (for example different languages of one document)
  • Generates .pdf files via puppeteer


It is recommended to install document-generator globally via npm:

$ npm install -g document-generator


Usage: document-generator [options] <file>

Generate your .pdf invoices, letters, documents, etc. with templates based on YAML, HTML & SCSS

  -V, --version          output the version number
  -s, --source <path>    path to source folder, defaults to "~/.document-templates" (default: "~/.document-templates")
  -o, --output <path>    output .pdf file path, defaults to "./<YYYYMMDD>-<templateName>.pdf"
  -n, --name <name>      add an optional name to the generated pdf file name. Works only when default output name is being used
  -t, --template <name>  template name, defaults to "invoice" (default: "invoice")
  -f, --flavour <name>   flavour name, defaults to "default" (default: "default")
  -h, --help             output usage information


This is a small tutorial on how to maintain your own document templates and how to use document-generator.

  1. By default document-generator looks into ~/.document-templates/ for your templates (change this via the --source option). Create a folder named invoice here:

     $ mkdir -p ~/.document-templates/invoice
  2. Create a template.yaml file in this folder to define basic options which will be passed on to puppeteer for .pdf generation:

     $ touch template.yaml


    format: A4
        top: 30
        right: 60
        bottom: 30
        left: 60
  3. Now create a template.html file to define the layout of the document. You can use Nunjucks template language to work with variables, inheritance, loops etc.:

     $ touch template.html


        <meta charset="utf-8">
          <h1>{{ flavour.title }}</h1>
            {% for item in items %}
              <li>{{ item.description }} - {{ item.price }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
  4. As you see above, we use variables in our template to render dynamic data. Every document template consists of one or more flavours, think of them as a variation of your document. Flavours come in handy if you want to generate your invoices in different languages for example.

    Create a directory named flavours in your template folder:

     $ mkdir flavours
     $ touch flavours/default.yaml

    Create a flavour file in this folder named default.yaml, it will be the standard flavour the generator picks as long as you didn't define another flavour via the --flavour option. Since we used already one flavour variable named title in the HTML template, we define it here with YAML syntax:


    title: Invoice

    Let's create an alternative flavour (just for fun) and name it de.yaml to have the option to generate a German invoice:

     $ touch de.yaml


    title: Rechnung
  5. To style the document we create a styles folder in the template folder with a template.scss file inside:

     $ mkdir styles
     $ touch styles/template.scss

    Use CSS or SCSS sytax now to style your layout. You can also separate your styles into separate files etc., we will only have a single, simple file for now:


    $blue: #00f;
    h1 {
      color: $blue;
  6. We are done with creating our invoice template! The file structure should be the following now:

    ├── flavours
    │   ├── default.yaml
    │   └── de.yaml
    ├── styles
    │   ├── template.scss
    ├── template.html
    └── template.yaml
  7. Create the actual my-invoice.yaml to generate a .pdf file.

     $ touch ~/my-invoice.yaml

    So far we only declared one variable named items in our template, lets fill it with content:

        - description: Doing something
          price: 10
        - description: Doing something else
          price: 90
  8. Finally run document-generator to make a .pdf! The program uses the invoice template by default:

     $ document-generator my-invoice.yaml

    To generate the German invoice, we would add the --flavour option:

     $ document-generator my-invoice.yaml --flavour de

    To use another template, you could adress it via:

     $ document-generator a-serious-letter.yaml --flavour official --template letter
