Resume and portfolio data, presented in via a static website

MIT License


My resume/portfolio data holder

This repository is meant to store the data for my resume and portfolio.

It is also built to deploy a static website using GitHub pages and Jekyll offering a pretty representation of this data (see jekyll subfolder).

The data file: me.yml

This file contains the description of my profile, for reuse in a portfolio or resume.

It shall respect a precise format. An example can be seen in me.yml file.

Name Description
profile Single-element list
profile[0].name Your name
profile[0].subtitle [Optional] Additional details (e.g. your job)
profile[0].share-title [Optional] Explicit name of the webpage
profile[0].email [Optional] Email where to contact you
profile[0].github [Optional] GitHub username, e.g. Doreapp
profile[0].linkedin [Optional] LinkedIn id (after in URL)
profile[0].stackoverflow [Optional] StackOverFlow username
profile[0].google-play [Optional] Full google play weblink (to an app or list of apps)
profile[0].gitlab [Optional] GitLab username
profile[0].facebook [Optional] [Not tested] Facebook id
profile[0].twitter [Optional] [Not tested] Twitter id
profile[0].reddit [Optional] [Not tested] Reddit id
profile[0].snapchat [Optional] [Not tested] Snapchat id
profile[0].instagram [Optional] [Not tested] Instagram id
profile[0].youtube [Optional] [Not tested] Youtube id
profile[0].spotify [Optional] [Not tested] Spotify id
profile[0].telephone [Optional] [Not tested] Phone number
profile[0].... [Optional] [Not tested] And others... See social-networks-links.html
about Single-element list
about[0].subtitle [Optional] Any text describing your about me section
about[0].share-title [Optional] Explicit name of the webpage
about[0].text [Optional] Paragraph for the about page
about[0].list [Optional] List of bullet points
about[0].list[?].name Main text of the bullet point
about[0].list[?].description Secondary text of the bullet point
education.schools List of schools (can be empty)
education.schools[?].name School name
education.schools[?].cover-img Path to a cover image for this school, from jekyll folder
education.schools[?].subtitle [Optional] Short subtitle for the school
education.schools[?].share-title [Optional] Explicit name of the webpage
education.schools[?].description [Optional] Description of the school
education.schools[?].weblink [Optional] URL of the school's website
education.schools[?].start-date [Optional] Date of your entrance in this school (dd-mm-yyyy)
education.schools[?].end-date [Optional] Date when you left this school (dd-mm-yyyy)
work.companies List of companies (can be empty)
work.companies[?].name Company name
work.companies[?].cover-img Path to a cover image for this company, from jekyll folder
work.companies[?].subtitle [Optional] Short subtitle for the company
work.companies[?].share-title [Optional] Explicit name of the webpage
work.companies[?].description [Optional] Description of the company
work.companies[?].weblink [Optional] URL of the company's website
work.companies[?].start-date [Optional] Date of your entrance in this company (dd-mm-yyyy)
work.companies[?].end-date [Optional] Date when you left the company (dd-mm-yyyy) List of jobs (can be empty)[?].name Job name[?].description Description of the job[?].cover-img [Optional] Path to a cover image for this job, from jekyll folder[?].subtitle [Optional] Short subtitle for the job[?].share-title [Optional] Explicit name of the webpage[?].company [Optional] Name of the company[?].start-date [Optional] Date of the job beginning (dd-mm-yyyy)[?].end-date [Optional] Date of the job end (dd-mm-yyyy)
projects List of accomplished or on-going projects
projects[?].title Short title/name of the project
projects[?].description Description of the project, can be quite long
projects[?].cover-img Path to a cover image for this project, from jekyll folder
projects[?].subtitle [Optional] Project longer subtitle
projects[?].start-date [Optional] Date of the project beginning (dd-mm-yyyy)
projects[?].end-date [Optional] Date of the project ending (dd-mm-yyyy)
projects[?].weblink [Optional] URL to the project result (or website)
projects[?].source-code [Optional] URL to the project source code
projects[?].skills [Optional] List of skills involved in the project
projects[?].job [Optional] Name of the job related to this project. Must exist in
projects[?].school [Optional] Name of the school related to this project. Must exist in education.schools.

Automatic format check

If you want to check the format of your me.yml file, you can use pyfolio python library in tools directory.


It is possible to translate the website manually. In this repository, you can see an example of portfolio originally in english that has a translation in french.

To translate in a language, one needs to:

  1. Translate the data by creating a data.<language>.yml file aside to data.yml (e.g. data.en.yml)
  2. Create an override of the jekyll directory, named jekyll-<language> (e.g. jekyll-en)
  3. Override the configuration of the website in this folder: copy-paste the _config.yml file from jekyll folder into jekyll-<language> and override the fields you want to.
  4. Add baseurl: /<language> to the overriding configuration
  5. Update the github-pages.yml workflow to generate the translated wesite along with the original one. Look at this repository github-pages.yml workflow for an example.
  6. You're done! Go to https://<username><language> and you should see the translated website! 🎉