
Go configurator structures library

MIT License


Gostructor Actions Status Go Report Card codecov

Version: v0.7

Universal configuration library by tags

Current supporting input formats

  • hocon values
  • default values
  • environment variables
  • vault configs
  • json values
  • yaml values
  • ini values
  • toml values

Current supporting types

  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
  • float32, float64
  • string
  • bool
  • map[string\int]string\int\float32\float64
  • slices of any types from (int32, int64, int, string, bool, float32, float64)

Plan of upgrading


  1. Adding support file store fetching
  2. adding support key\value store backends (with callback)
  3. adding support config server fetching content like Spring Cloud Config Server


  1. adding support uint types (done 0.6.6)
  2. change transition dependencies like go-yaml, lfjson by native map[string]interface{}\string

Ideas for future

  1. Live watching for contract by git (maybe mechanism for watching changes like do it spring)
  2. CodeGen plugin for protoc for generating models with predefined tags


  • cf_hocon - setup value for this field from hocon
  • cf_default - setup default value for this field
  • cf_env - setup value from env variable by name in this tag
  • cf_yaml - setup value for this field from yaml
  • cf_json - setup value for this field from json
  • cf_ini - setup value for this field from ini
  • cf_toml - setup value for this field from toml
  • cf_vault - setup secret for this field from hashi corp vault

Running configuring by smart variant

For Run configuration by smart variant autostart analysing of using tags. Library will start configuring your structure by pipeline with all founded tags.

type Test struct {
    MyValue1 string `cf_default:"turur" cf_hocon:"mySourceValue1"`
    MySlice1 []bool `cf_default:"true,false,false,true" cf_env:"MY_SIGNALS"`

// in this example do use 3 tags: cf_default (using default values which setup inline tag)
// cf_env - using environment variable
// cf_hocon - using hocon source file 


func myConfigurator() {
    os.Setenv(tags.HoconFile, , "testhocon.hocon")
    myStruct, errConfiguring := gostructir.ConfigureSmart(&Test{})
    // check errConfiguring for any errors
    if errConfiguring != nil {
        /// action for error

    // cast interface{} into Test structure
    myValues := myStruct.(*Test)
    // now, u structure already filled

Running configuring by setup

You can also setting configuring pipeline like this:

type Test struct {
    MyValue1 string `cf_default:"turur" cf_hocon:"mySourceValue1"`
    MySlice1 []bool `cf_default:"true,false,false,true" cf_env:"MY_SIGNALS"`

func myConfigurator() {
    os.Setenv(tags.HoconFile, , "testhocon.hocon")
    myStruct, errConfiguring := gostructir.ConfigureSetup(&Test{}, []infra.FuncType{
    })// you should setup only by order configure
    // check errConfiguring for any errors
    if errConfiguring != nil {
        /// action for error

    // cast interface{} into Test structure
    myValues := myStruct.(*Test)
    // now, u structure already filled

Fetching secrets from vault

For fetching secrets you should add 2 environment variables: VAULT_ADDRESS, VAULT_TOKEN. After all, you can add cf_vault tag into your structure tags.

Now vault configure support all basic types and also complex type: slice

For Example:

type Test struct {
    MySecretKey string `cf_vault:"my-secret-service/stage/tururu#my-key"`
    MyCustomIntKey int16 `cf_vault:"my-secret-service/stage/tururur#my-key2"`
    TestSda []int32 `cf_vault:"my-secret-service/stage/tururu#my-key3"`

Setting up files or any other sources

By the way u can configuring files by environment variables:

  1. For hocon files - GOSTRUCTOR_HOCON
  2. For json files - GOSTRUCTOR_JSON
  3. For yaml files - GOSTRUCTOR_YAML
  4. For ini files - GOSTRUCTOR_INI
  5. For toml files - GOSTRUCTOR_TOML


For the best way to automatic publish versions of patch added github workflow for publish in master changes

Configuration. Step By Step

  1. Chose pool needed sources, and writed them into target field tag.
  2. Configuring environment.

For fetching from remote Spring Cloud Config Server

  1. Needed setting up env variable