
The next-generation, DevOps-free cloud development framework.




Stacktape transforms AWS into a developer-friendly platform, allowing you to deploy production-grade infrastructure in minutes.

[!NOTE] Stacktape is NOT open-source. This repository only includes helpful resources for Stacktape users.

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Option 1 - PaaS 1.0

       ✅ Easy to use

       ✅ Great Dev Experience

       ❌ Expensive

       ❌ Limited capabilities & flexibility

Option 2 - In-house DevOps team

       ✅ Flexible

       ✅ Unlimited capabilities

       ❌ Requires hiring DevOps experts

       ❌ Long time to production

After (with Stacktape)

       ✅ Usable by developers

       ✅ Great Dev Experience

       ✅ Cost efficient

       ✅ Flexible & Powerful

       ✅ Up to $100,000 in free AWS Activate credits


How it works

1. Configure your stack

Stacktape is an IaC (Infrastructure as a code) tool.

The configuration is simple, declarative and can be written using YAML, JSON, Javascript, Typescript or Python.

Example stacktape.yml configuration file

serviceName: my-application
    type: http-api-gateway
    type: multi-container-workload
        cpu: 2
        memory: 2048
        minInstances: 1
        maxInstances: 5
        - name: api-container
            filePath: src/main.ts
            - name: DB_ENDPOINT
              value: $ResourceParam('mainDatabase', 'endpoint')
            - type: http-api-gateway
                method: GET
                path: /{proxy+}
                containerPort: 3000
                httpApiGatewayName: mainGateway
    type: relational-database
        type: aurora-postgresql-serverless
        masterUserName: $Secret('dbSecret.username')
        masterUserPassword: $Secret('dbSecret.password')

2. Deploy your application

Deployment is done using a single command.

Stacktape handles the rest:

  • Packages your source code
  • Scans and resolves dependencies
  • Configures and provisions infrastructure resources
  • Deploys your application to AWS

*Using CLI*

$ stacktape deploy --stage production --region eu-west-1
[SUCCESS] Loading configuration done in 0.03 sec.
[SUCCESS] Fetching stack data done in 0.63 sec.
[SUCCESS] Packaging workloads
  apiserver-apicontainer: done in 18.57 sec. Image size: 85 MB.
[SUCCESS] Uploading deployment artifacts done in 6.53 sec.
[SUCCESS] Validating template done in 0.42 sec.
[INFO] Deploying stack my-application-production...
[INFO] Deploying infrastructure resources. Finished: 9/35.

*Using SDK*

import { Stacktape } from 'stacktape';
const stacktape = new Stacktape({
  region: 'eu-west-1',
  stage: 'production'
  config: {
    serviceName: 'my-application',
    resources: [...your resources...]

3. Iterate on your application

Stacktape offers an easy and efficient way to develop your apps.

When developing containers, Stacktape will:

  • Build and run your container locally with the same permissions it has when running in the cloud
  • Resolve and inject referenced environment variables (for example database connection strings)
  • Expose configured ports
$ stacktape cw:run-local --resourceName apiServer
[SUCCESS] Loading configuration done in 0.03 sec.
[SUCCESS] Fetching stack data done in 0.63 sec.
[SUCCESS] Packaging workloads
  apiServer-apicontainer: done in 3.3 sec. Image size: 85 MB.
[SUCCESS] Container started successfully. (type 'rs' + enter to rebuild and restart)
[INFO] Exposed ports: http://localhost:3000

Api container started successfully. Listening on PORT 3000.

All the infrastructure components you'll need

One tool for all your apps. From simple websites to data processing pipelines.

Lambda functions

Short-lived serverless functions able to quickly scale up to 1000s of parallel executions with pay-per-use pricing.

Container workloads

Fully managed, auto-scalable and easy-to-use runtime for your Docker containers.

Batch jobs

Fully managed, on-demand runtime for your container jobs with pay-per-use pricing. Supports GPU compute resources.

SQL databases

Fully managed relational databases (Postgres, MySQL, MariaDb, etc.) with support for clustering, failover & more.

MongoDb clusters

Fully managed MongoDb Atlas clusters. Automatically deployed to your AWS account and managed within your stack.


Fully managed, serverless, highly-available and massively scalable key-value datastore.

Api Gateways

Fully managed, serverless HTTP Api Gateway with pay-per-request pricing.

Load balancers

Fully managed, Application (L7) Load balancer.

Storage buckets

Durable and highly-available object storage with pay-per-use pricing.


Fully managed sign-ups, logins and authorization for your users with pay-per-use pricing.

Redis clusters

Fully managed, redis-compatible in-memory data store with sub-millisecond latency.

Upstash Redis

Fully managed, serverless Redis with pay-as-you-go billing.

Upstash Kafka

Fully managed, serverless Kafka with pay-as-you-go billing for event-streaming solutions.


Globally distributed (edge) cache for your Buckets, Load balancers and API Gateways.

Domains & certificates

Auto-provisioned certificates and domain management for your Buckets, Load balancers and API Gateways.


Fully managed secret store for your credentials, API keys and other sensitive data.



Sadly, the simplicity disappears when your application needs more than just functions, and you're left with the responsibility for configuring, managing and integrating other infrastructure components.

Stacktape's advantages

  • More power - Besides lambda functions, Stacktape allows you to deploy container workloads, batch jobs, SQL and
    NoSQL databases, API Gateways, Load balancers and much more.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Better developer experience - Stacktape is simple, well-documented and easily customizable. Everything is properly
    validated. Error messages are descriptive and include hints.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Not open-source - Stacktape is a SaaS product. But it comes with a free tier.
  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.
  • AWS only - Stacktape works on top of AWS. Support for MS Azure and Google Cloud is planned. Besides AWS services,
    Stacktape also supports 3rd party providers (such as MongoDb Atlas).


Sadly, it's also very costly and lacks a lot of features compared to larger cloud platforms (such as AWS).

Stacktape's advantages

  • Full power of AWS - Stacktape allows you to deploy almost any infrastructure components, including containers,
    batch jobs, SQL and NoSQL databases, API Gateways, Load balancers, file storage, CDN & more.
  • Lower costs - With Heroku, you get simplicity for a significantly higher infrastructure costs. Stacktape gives you
    the simplicity without the absurd infrastructure bills.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Infrastructure as Code - Stacktape allows you to manage infrastructure using simple and declarative configuration
    file. You can easily deploy as many environments (stages) as you want.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.
  • Less buildpacks - Stacktape currently supports zero-config builds for less languages and frameworks.


Sadly, Firebase isn't sufficient for larger applications that require continuously running jobs, containers, batch jobs, SQL databases or anything else not supported by Firebase.

Stacktape's advantages

  • Full power of AWS - Stacktape allows you to deploy almost any infrastructure components, including containers,
    batch jobs, SQL and NoSQL databases, API Gateways, Load balancers, file storage, CDN & more.
  • Infrastructure as Code - Stacktape allows you to manage infrastructure using simple and declarative configuration
    file. You can easily deploy as many environments (stages) as you want.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Cost at scale - Firebase can get very costly very fast when you go out of the free tier.

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.
  • Less pre-built capabilities for mobile apps - Stacktape doesn't come with purpose-built features for mobile apps.


However, it comes with great architectural, configuration, operational and financial overhead.

Stacktape's advantages

  • Developer friendly - Stacktape is usable by every developer. No DevOps, Cloud or infrastructure expertise is
  • Fully managed - All resources supported by Stacktape are fully managed. They remove a lot of responsibility from
    your shoulders.
  • Fully featured development framework - Stacktape handles all of the common tasks required to develop and run cloud
    applications, including application deployments, testing, debugging & much more.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Better developer experience - Stacktape is simple, well-documented and easily customizable. Everything is properly
    validated. Error messages are descriptive and include hints.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Not open-source - Stacktape is a SaaS product. But it comes with a free tier.
  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.
  • Public cloud only - Stacktape is not usable with on-premise infrastructure.


Similarly to Serverless Framework, the simplicity disappears if you need more than just lambda functions.

Stacktape's advantages

  • More power - Besides lambda functions, Stacktape allows you to deploy container workloads, batch jobs, SQL and
    NoSQL databases, API Gateways, Load balancers and much more.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Better developer experience - Stacktape is simple, well-documented and easily customizable. Everything is properly
    validated. Error messages are descriptive and include hints.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Not open-source - Stacktape is a SaaS product. But it comes with a free tier.
  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.


Unfortunately, using Cloudformation is complex, time-consuming and requires a lot of Cloud and infrastructure knowledge.

Stacktape's advantages

  • Developer friendly - Stacktape is usable by every developer. No DevOps, Cloud or infrastructure expertise is
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Better developer experience - Stacktape is simple, well-documented and easily customizable. Everything is properly
    validated. Error messages are descriptive and include hints.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • None - Stacktape is customizable and can be easily extended using native AWS Cloudformation resources.


However, it requires a lot of Cloud, DevOps and infrastructure knowledge. It doesn't handle packaging, applications deployments and many other tasks required to run your applications.

Stacktape's advantages

  • Developer friendly - Stacktape is usable by every developer. No DevOps, Cloud or infrastructure expertise is
  • Fully featured development framework - Stacktape handles all of the common tasks required to develop and run cloud
    applications, including application deployments, testing, debugging & much more.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Better developer experience - Stacktape is simple, well-documented and easily customizable. Everything is properly
    validated. Error messages are descriptive and include hints.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Not open-source - Stacktape is a SaaS product. But it comes with a free tier.
  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.
  • AWS only - Stacktape works on top of AWS. Support for MS Azure and Google Cloud is planned. Besides AWS services,
    Stacktape also supports 3rd party providers (such as MongoDb Atlas).


However, it has very limited support for building application backends (servers).

Stacktape's advantages

  • Full power of AWS - Stacktape allows you to deploy almost any infrastructure components, including containers,
    batch jobs, SQL and NoSQL databases, API Gateways, Load balancers, file storage, CDN & more.
  • Infrastructure as Code - Stacktape allows you to manage infrastructure using simple and declarative configuration
    file. You can easily deploy as many environments (stages) as you want.
  • Optimized build process - Stacktape supports zero-config, heavily optimized parallel builds with advanced caching.
  • Programmatic SDK - Stacktape includes both CLI and SDK (currently supported for Javascript and Typescript). It
    allows you to easily build complicated deployment pipelines.
  • Editor extension - Stacktape comes with a VS code editor extension to further improve developer experience with
    validation, autocompletion and built-in documentation.
  • Development studio (coming soon) - Stacktape development studio is a graphical user interface. It's a convenient
    way to manage and test your applications and infrastructure.
  • Client SDKs (coming soon) - Client SDKs (for web, mobile and more) can be used within your application to help
    with most common tasks (authenticating users, uploading files, etc.).

Stacktape's disadvantages

  • Smaller community - Being a new product, Stacktape doesn't have a large community yet.


For open-source maintainers, we also offer a premium plan for free. Feel free to contact us.

Premium plans cost only a fraction of the cost you'd pay for an alternative solution or for DevOps/Cloud specialists.

Stacktape works on the developer’s machine (or on your CI/CD server). Your deployments don't go through any Stacktape-managed infrastructure.

Furthermore, Stacktape does everything it can to help you secure your applications (least privilege permissions, secret management, database access management, etc.).

Besides numerous AWS services, Stacktape integrates popular 3rd party service providers (such as MongoDb Atlas).

Support for MS Azure is planned for late 2022.

If you need anything else currently not supported by Stacktape, feel free to contact us.

Furthermore, if your use-case is very specific and not natively supported by Stacktape, you can easily extend Stacktape applications with any AWS service.

Zero-config, heavily optimized builds are currently supported for Javascript and Typescript applications. Zero-config Python, Go and Java builds are coming soon.

To write Stacktape configuration, you can use YAML, JSON, Javascript, Typescript or Python.

Unlike other solutions on the market, Stacktape is designed to be easily customizable and extensible.

Migrating your applications to the cloud using Stacktape is in most cases very straightforward.

If you need more assistance, our team of cloud specialists can help you architect, design and run your cloud applications.

Feel free to contact us.

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