
A translation framework for minecraft servers

MIT License



A translation framework to translate chat messages. This framework builds upon Kyori Components and the MiniMessage format.

Join the Discord Server for support


UML Overview


Install the following repository and dependency in your pom.xml or your build.gradle. Make sure to use the latest version.


        <!-- alternatively TinyTranslations-paper -->


When shading, it is highly recommended to relocate the resource within your plugin. This assures that no other plugin loads outdated Translations classes before your plugin can load the latest classes. Occurring errors would potentially disable your plugin on startup.


or with gradle:

tasks.shadowJar {
    relocate 'de.cubbossa.tinytranslations', '[yourpluginpath].libs.tinytranslations'

Dependencies (Spigot Libraries)

Your server must find and load the Kyori Adventure classes for Translations to work. Either use TinyTranslations-paper to use the Adventure classes provided by paper or use TinyTranslations-bukkit to include them as shaded dependencies.


Translations are split into global server-wide translations and local application translations. Translations exist in a treelike structure. The global root Translations instance allows to provide translation strings and styles for all following Translations instances. Each Translation instance can be forked into a child, which then uses all styles and messages of its parent but has some encapsulated translations on its own. Mostly, there will be one global Translations instance and one per plugin.

Example of the Server folder structure and how translations are included:


      global_styles.properties # <--- global styling rules
      en-US.properties # <--- global messages (like the server name)

        styles.properties # <--- application only styles
        en-US.properties # <--- application only messages

Styles are a way to create new tag resolvers

# We use opening tags to define simple styles.
# Or slot based styles for more complex patterns
# The list-el example will render "<list-el>abc</list-el>" as "- abc", where the "-" is gray and "abc" is white.
list_el="<gray>- </gray><white>{slot}</white>\n"
# the url tag renders only a short version but opens the whole url on click.
#     https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html
# becomes
#     https://docs.advntr.dev/min...tml
# The first occurring '/' after the domain separates the tail, which will show its first and last three letters.
url="<blue><u><click:open_url:"{slot}"><hover:show_text:"Click to open url"><shorten_url>{slot}</shorten_url></hover></click></u></blue>"

Messages can be stored in many ways, like SQL, Yaml or properties. In a properties file, messages would look like this:

some.example.message="<text-light>Some light text <aqua>that can also be styled directly</aqua></text-light>"
some.example.reference="An embedded message: {msg:some.example.message}"

As you can see in the example, messages can be embedded into each other, which allows you to simply create own messages and use them all over the place. Why is this useful? Think of the following example from my plugin:

# c-brand is a style for the main plugin color.
# bg and bg-dark are global styles.
prefix="<primary>PathFinder </primary><bg_dark>| </bg_dark><bg>"

Prefix is not a message that is enforced by the plugin. Users can simply create the entry, and it will be loaded by the plugin and embedded in other messages.


import de.cubbossa.tinytranslations.MessageBuilder;

class Messages {
    public static final Message PREFIX = new MessageBuilder("prefix")
            .withDefault("<gradient:#ff0000:#ffff00:#ff0000>My Awesome Plugin</gradient>")
    public static final Message NO_PERM = new MessageBuilder("no_perm")
            .withDefault("<prefix_negative>No permissions!</prefix_negative>")

class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {

    Translations translations;

    public void onEnable() {
        // create a Translations instance for your plugin 
        translations = BukkitTinyTranslations.application(this);

        // define the storage types for your plugins locale
        translations.setMessageStorage(new PropertiesMessageStorage(new File(getDataFolder(), "/lang/")));
        translations.setStyleStorage(new PropertiesStyleStorage(new File(getDataFolder(), "/lang/styles.properties")));

        // register all your messages to your Translations instance
        // a message cannot be translated without a Translations instance, which works as
        // messageTranslator.
        translations.addMessages(messageA, messageB, messageC);
        // just load all public static final messages declared in Messages.class

        // They will not overwrite pre-existing values.
        // You only need to save values that you assigned programmatically, like from a
        // message builder. You can also create a de.properties resource and save it as file instead.
        // Then there is no need to write the german defaults to file here.

        // load all styles and locales from file. This happens for all parent translations,
        // so all changes to the global styles and translations will apply too.

    public void onDisable() {
        // close open Translations instance


Messages can easily be set up as statics. Locale files can be generated from a class that holds Messages as static members.

A fully defined message:

public static final Message ERR_NO_PLAYER = new MessageBuilder("error.must_be_player")
        .withDefault("<prefix_negative>No player found: '{input}'.</prefix_negative>")
        .withTranslation(Locale.GERMAN, "<prefix_negative>Spieler nicht gefunden: '{input}'.</prefix_negative>")
        .withComment("Used to indicate if no player was found - who would have thought :P")
        .withPlaceholder("input", "The used input that was supposed to be a playername.")

Or maybe just

public static final Message ERR_NO_PERM = new MessageBuilder("error.no_perm")
        .withDefault("<prefix_negative>No permission!</prefix_negative>")

Add Messages to Translations

Don't forget to register all messages to your application!!

// or
translations.addMessages(Messages.ERR_NO_PLAYER, Messages.ERR_NO_PERM);
// or just:

Build Messages from Translations directly

If you use your translations instance to create a message, it will automatically be added to your translations.

ERR_NO_PERM = translations.message("error.no_perm");

ERR_NO_PERM = translations.messageBuilder("error.no_perm")
        .withDefault("<prefix_negative>No permission!</prefix_negative>")

Message as Component

Messages are implementations of the TranslatableComponent interface, which means that they automatically render in the player client locale.

// on Paper server:
player.sendMessage(Messages.ERR_NO_PLAYER.insertString("input", args[0]));

// on Spigot server:
BukkitTinyTranslations.sendMessage(player, Messages.ERR_NO_PLAYER);
BukkitTinyTranslations.sendMessageIfNotEmpty(player, Messages.ERR_NO_PLAYER);

Other Formats

You can also format a Message into any other format with like so:

Message ERR_NO_PERM = new MessageBuilder("err.no_perm")
        .withDefault("<prefix_negative>No permissions!</prefix_negative>")

String s = ERR_NO_PERM.toString(MessageEncoding.LEGACY_PARAGRAPH);
// -> §cNo permissions!

String s = ERR_NO_PERM.toString(MessageEncoding.LEGACY_AMPERSAND);
// -> &cNo permissions!

String s = ERR_NO_PERM.toString(MessageEncoding.PLAIN);
// -> No permissions!

String s = ERR_NO_PERM.toString(MessageEncoding.NBT);
// -> {"text":"No permissions!","color":"red"}
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