
Vscode extension making conversion between yaml and json fast and simple

MIT License



Easily convert YAML to JSON or vice versa. Conversion can be done by each individual file or by all files in a folder.

Any good ideas or feature requests? Please, do not hesitate to open a new issue!

Features and usage

  • Convert a single file:

    • Convert a YAML file to JSON by right clicking it and selecting Convert to JSON.
    • Convert a YAML file to JSON by changing file extension to .json.
    • Convert a JSON file to YAML by right clicking it and selecting Convert to YAML.
    • Convert a JSON file to YAML by changing file extension to .yaml or .yml.
  • Convert selection as preview:

    • Convert YAML selection as preview by using command YAML+JSON: Preview as JSON (from YAML. Opens in new file)
    • Convert JSON selection as preview by using command YAML+JSON: Preview as YAML (from JSON. Opens in new file)
  • Convert text selection:

    • Convert YAML selection by using command Convert selection to JSON - does not change file extension.
    • Convert JSON selection by using command Convert selection to YAML - does not change file extension.
  • Converting multiple files:

    • Convert a selection of JSON files to YAML by right clicking one of the selected files and selecting Convert selected files to YAML.
    • Convert a selection of YAML files to JSON by right clicking one of the selected files and selecting Convert selected files to JSON.
    • Convert YAML files in a directory to JSON by right clicking the directory and selecting Convert YAML files to JSON.
    • Convert JSON files in a directory to YAML by right clicking the directory and selecting Convert JSON files to YAML.
  • Reverting converted files: When a file has been reverted, a "revert" prompt will be shown to revert it. Using this will return the entirety of the original file, including YAML comments.

  • Overwriting existent files: When trying to convert a file into a destination that already exist, you can use the overwriteExistentFiles configuration to overwrite such. Notice if you use the revert feature after overwriting a file, the extension cannot (currently) revert the overwritten file. Also, due to limitation in vscode of active user prompts, if you set it to "ask" you will only be prompted to overwrite N number of files, while others will be skipped.


All configurations should be defined in yaml-plus-json in vscode settings (e.g. .vscode/settings.json), like:

  "yaml-plus-json": {
    "convertOnRename": true,
    "yamlIndent": 2,
    "fileExtensions": {
      "yaml": ".yaml",
      "json": ".json"
id description type default example
convertOnRename Convert YAML/JSON files on rename boolean true false
yamlIndent The number of spaces to use when indenting code (yaml) number 2 4
yamlSchema See yaml module documentation for details string "core" "json"
fileExtensions define what filename extension(s) to use when converting file(s) object
fileExtensions.yaml yaml filename extension string ".yaml" ".yml"
fileExtensions.json json filename extension string ".json" ".json"
keepOriginalFiles Keep original files when converting. Use "ask" to be asked every time or "always" to always keep original files string "always"
overwriteExistentFiles Overwrite existent files when converting. Use "ask" to be asked every time or "always" to always overwrite string "always"