
A faster npm run & npx

BSD-2-CLAUSE License


What is pog?

It's an extremely fast & dependency-less replacement for npm run and npx.

Pog is inspired by @egoist's dum, but written in Crystal instead of Rust.

It was really fun trying to optimize it as much as possible!

They are mostly on par in terms of speed and functionality. Pog however is missing the "interactive" mode as I'd rather keep it dependency-less.



You can download one of the pre-built binaries from the releases page for Linux & MacOS.

For Linux, there's a static build available (and is recommended).

They are built & published by our lovely actions.



  • crystal - 1.3.2


  • $ make (or $ make static on Alpine Linux for a static build)
  • # make install
Enable Deep-Search

If you build with the POG_ENABLE_DEEPSEARCH=true env var, you'll enable deep-search.

Instead of looking for binaries in node_modules/.bin it will look through all folders/dependencies.


$ hyperfine "./pog-static foo" "./pog foo" "./dum foo" "npm run foo" --warmup 10

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
pog-static foo 51.4 8.4 38.4 69.9 1.00
dum foo 51.9 9.2 40.9 72.1 1.01 0.24
pog foo 52.5 8.8 40.0 77.3 1.02 0.24
npm run foo 376.2 10.5 352.9 385.3 7.31 1.21
Benchmark 1: ./pog-static foo
  Time (mean  ):      51.4 ms    8.4 ms    [User: 40.9 ms, System: 11.3 ms]
  Range (min  max):    38.4 ms   69.9 ms    66 runs

Benchmark 2: ./pog foo
  Time (mean  ):      52.5 ms    8.8 ms    [User: 41.5 ms, System: 12.6 ms]
  Range (min  max):    40.0 ms   77.3 ms    53 runs

Benchmark 3: ./dum foo
  Time (mean  ):      51.9 ms    9.2 ms    [User: 41.2 ms, System: 11.1 ms]
  Range (min  max):    40.9 ms   72.1 ms    47 runs

Benchmark 4: npm run foo
  Time (mean  ):     376.2 ms   10.5 ms    [User: 423.6 ms, System: 51.5 ms]
  Range (min  max):   352.9 ms  385.3 ms    10 runs

  './pog-static foo' ran
    1.01  0.24 times faster than './dum foo'
    1.02  0.24 times faster than './pog foo'
    7.31  1.21 times faster than 'npm run foo'
Whisker Plot Histogram
whisker plot of the benchmarks histogram of the benchmarks

Please don't take these benchmarks too seriously.

$ pog -h

pog v1.0.0


    <script_name>             Run a script
    run                       List available scripts
    run <script_name>         Same as <script_name>
    add <packages>            Same as (p)npm i or yarn add <packages>
    i, install                Same as (p)npm/yarn install
    remove, uninstall         Same as (p)npm/yarn remove

    -c INPUT, --cd=INPUT             Change working directory
    -h, --help                       Show this help
$ pog foo

 node stuff/example-script
from example []
$ pog test --1312

 echo "hello test" && npm run foo -- arg
hello test

> foo
> node stuff/example-script "arg" "--1312"

from example [ 'arg', '--1312' ]

You can find the above scripts (including the one used in benchmarks) on dum's repo.


  1. Read the Code of Conduct
  2. Fork it ( https://github.com/GeopJr/pog/fork )
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request
