
Analyzes environment files


Env / PHP analyzer

Analyzes env dist file and allows to insert missing variables to env file through the console


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist apollo11/env-analyzer "~1.0"

or add

"apollo11/env-analyzer": "~1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file and run php composer.phar update command.

The package offers:

  1. Env class which can store .env and .env.dist file path, as well as, getting the difference between those files.
  2. Php class which can store env.php and env.dist.php file path, as well as, getting the difference between those files. Note: both php files should return Associative array either strings or integers.
  3. Analyzer class which is used for getting the difference of files through the console

Basic Usage

Generally, the best use case is to call Analyzer from console, because it gives the ability to insert the value of the missing data, as well.

Add the following code to your console command

Analyzer::analyzeEnv($pathToEnv, $pathToEnvDist);

or add

Analyzer::analyzePhp($pathToPhp, $pathToDistPhp);

Usage from Composer

You can also run Analyzer on Composer Scripts

Add the following code to the extra in project's composer.json file

"apollo11-parameters": {
            //env-path and env-dist-path for analyzing env files
            "env-path": ".env",
            "env-dist-path": ".env.dist",
            //php-env-path and php-env-dist-path for analyzing php files
            "php-env-path": "env.php",
            "php-env-dist-path": "env.dist.php"

You should also call the analyzer method from composer script. In this example, I call it from post-install-cmd, which is triggered after composer install is finished. Just add the following code to script in composer.json file

"post-install-cmd": [
            //Analyzer for env files
            //Analyzer for php files