
Yii2 Extension for file uploading and attaching to the models


d3files (inspired from d2files)

Extension for file uploading and attaching to the models


  • attach files to model record (it is possible to attach to one model multiple files)
  • widget for model view
  • access rights realised as standalone actions (separate download, upload, delete) by integrating in model's controllers
  • shared files for public access


php composer.phar require d3yii2/d3files dev-master
  • add to config/web.php
    'modules' => [
        'd3files' => [
            'class'              => 'd3yii2\d3files\D3Files',
            'uploadDir'          => dirname(__DIR__) . '\upload\d3files',
            'disableController'  => false,  // set true to disable d3files controller to use model's controllers
            'hashSalt'           => false, // Set salt in your web-local.php config, empty value will disable sharing
            'sharedExpireDays'   => 5,
            'sharedLeftLoadings' => 5,
            'controllerRoute'    => 'delivery/attachments', //define controler route, where defined  
  • migration configuration. Add to console migration definition path
    'controllerMap' => [
           'migrate' => [
               'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',
               'migrationPath' => [
  • do migration
yii migrate



Allow upload, download, delete files for model record.

    <?= d3yii2\d3files\widgets\D3FilesWidget::widget(
            'model'     => $model,
            'model_id'  => $model->id,
            'title'     => 'Widget Title',
            'icon'      => false,
            'hideTitle' => false,
            'readOnly'  => false,
            //'viewByFancyBox' => false,
            //'controllerRoute'=>'/d3emails/email/', //use if different controllers
            // 'actionColumn' => static function ($row) {
            //    return 'OK';
    ) ?>


Extends D3FilesWidget with file preview.

    <?= d3yii2\d3files\widgets\D3FilesPreviewWidget::widget(
            'model' => $model,
            'model_id' => $model->id,
            'title' => 'Preview Widget Title',
            'readOnly'  => false,

File types are determined automatically to load PDF or images inside modal dialog window.




Main layout should have footer code:

 if ($footer = $this->getPageFooter()): ?>
       <?= $footer ?>
<?php endif; ?>
### Widget

Allow upload, download, delete files for model record.

    <?= d3yii2\d3files\widgets\D3FilesPreviewWidget::widget(
            'model'     => $model,
            'model_id'  => $model->id,
            'title'     => 'Widget Title',
            'readOnly'  => false,
    ) ?>

Access control

In config disableController set true for disabling use d3files controller, where no realised any access control.

    'modules' => [
        'd3files' => [
            'disableController'  => true,  // set true to disable d3files controller to use model's controllers

For implementing access control add separate actions for upload, download and delete to model controller. Can implement any standard Yii2 access control. For example RBAC.

     * @inheritdoc
    public function behaviors()
        $addBehaviors = [
            'access' => [
                'class' => \yii\filters\AccessControl::className(),
                'only' => ['d3filesdownload', 'd3filesupload', 'd3filesdelete'],
                'rules' => [
                    // deny all POST requests
                        'allow' => true,
                        'actions' => [
                        'roles' => ['role1','role2'],
            'verbs' => [
                'class' => \yii\filters\VerbFilter::className(),
                'actions' => [
                    'd3filedelete' => ['POST'],
                    'd3fileupload' => ['POST'],
        return array_merge(parent::behaviors(), $addBehaviors);

    public function actions() {
        return [
            'd3filesdownload' => [
                'class' => d3yii2\d3files\components\DownloadAction::class,
                'modelName' => D3pPerson::class,
            'd3filesupload'   => [
                'class' => d3yii2\d3files\components\UploadAction::class,
                'modelName' => D3pPerson::class,
            'd3filesdelete'   => [
                'class' => \d3yii2\d3files\components\DeleteAction::class,
                'modelName' => D3pPerson::class,
            // for D3FilesPreviewWidget
            'd3filesopen' => [
                'class' => Dd3yii2\d3files\components\ownloadAction::class,
                'modelName' => D3pPerson::class,
                'downloadType' => 'open'
            // for D3FilesPreviewWidget
            'd3filesopen' => [
                'class' => 'd3yii2\d3files\components\DownloadAction',
                'modelName' => RkInvoice::class,
                'downloadType' => 'open'
            // for D3FilesPreviewWidget
            'd3fileseditnotes' => [
                'class' => EditNotesAction::class,
                'modelName' => D3pPerson::class,


        'model' => $model,
        'model_id' => $model->id,
        'title' => 'Attachments',
        'icon' => false,
        'hideTitle' => false,
        'readOnly' => false

Preview widget (load in modal dialog window)

    'model' => $model,           // Model to load attachment(s) from
    'fileList' => [...]          // Resulting array of the ModelD3Files::fileListForWidget if the attachments are joined already. Required if model not specified.
    'defaultExtension' => 'pdf', // Optional (PDF by default),
    'viewExtensions' => ['pdf']  // Optional.- (['pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'] by default)

For the PDF files server should support iframes. If the files are not loading check for the x-frame-options in the respose headers. In case:

x-frame-options: deny

You can set set in webserver configuration:


Or one of the directives in .htaccess

X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Frame-Options: "allow-from https://example.com/"

Active Form

  • to Active form model add property for uploading file

public $uploadFile;
  • to Active model for new attribute add rule
    public function rules() {
        return [
                'skipOnEmpty' => true,
                'extensions' => 'png, jpg, pdf, xls, doc'
  • in controller add use
use d3yii2\d3files\models\D3files;
  • in controller action after successful save() add
$model->uploadFile = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'uploadFile');
D3files::saveYii2UploadFile($model->uploadFile, ModelName::className(), $model->id);
  • in form to Active form set 'enctype' = 'multipart/form-data',
$form = ActiveForm::begin([
                'id' => 'xxxxxxx',
                'layout' => 'horizontal',
                'enableClientValidation' => true,
                'options' => [
                    'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data',

  • in form view add upload field
echo $form->field($model, 'uploadFile')->fileInput();

Shared (public) access

  • to create share implement share generation request in your code:
//$id is D3filesModel model's ID
$share = D3filesModel::createSharedModel($id, $expireDays, $leftLoadings);
$shared_id   = $share['id'];
$shared_hash = $share['hash'];
  • and use those variables to create url:
$url = 'http://www.yoursite.com/index.php?r=d3files/d3files/downloadshare&id=' . $shared_id . '&hash=' . $shared_hash;
echo $url;

Get record files list

use d3yii2\d3files\models\D3files;
$filesList = D3files::getRecordFilesList($model::className(),$model->id)

Get record files with full path

    public static function getRecordFiles(string $className, int $recordId): array
        $files = [];
        foreach (D3Files::getModelFilesList($className, $recordId, true) as $file) {
            $fileHandler = new FileHandler([
                'model_name' => $file['className'],
                'model_id' => $file['id'],
                'file_name' => $file['file_name']
                $files[] = [
                    'fileName' => $file['file_name'],
                    'filePath' => $fileHandler->getFilePath(),
        return $files;

Attach existing file to record

$fileTypes = '/(gif|pdf|dat|jpe?g|png|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|htm|txt|log|mxl|xml|zip)$/i';
$model = Users::findOne($id);
$fileName = 'MyAvatar.jpg';
$filePath = '/temp/avatar.jpg';
D3files::saveFile($fileName, Users::className(), $model->id, $filePath, $fileTypes);

Attach already saved file to record

$model = Users::findOne($id);
D3filesModel::createCopy($fileModelId, Users::class, $model->id);

Maintenance commands

Soft deletes files (sets deleted=1) For model dektrium\user\models\User soft delete from database for model dektrium\user\models\User oldest as 12 months files with extension xml

yii d3files/clean-files/remove-older-than 'dektrium\user\models\User' 12 '%.xml'

Deletes files and corresponding records in database which have deleted=1

yii d3files/clean-files/remove-files 'dektrium\user\models\User'

Deletes model files from filesystem with out refence in database

yii d3files/clean-files/unused-files  'poker\poker\models\PkPlaygroundFixes'

Change log

  • 0.9.0 (Feb 26, 2017) - added RU translation
  • 0.9.3 (May 29, 2017) - auto creating upload directories
  • 0.9.4 (Nov 16, 2017) - added parameter controllerRoute
  • 0.9.13 (Jul 2, 2018) - added action column
  • 0.9.93 (febr 10, 2022) - added controller d3files/clean-files for maintenance
  • 0.9.97 (jun 28, 2022) - improved maintanance controller d3files/clean-files