
Helper for unifying cache tag names with invalidation support in yii2

MIT License



Helper for unifying cache tag names with invalidation support for Yii2 ActiveRecord models.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist devgroup/yii2-tag-dependency-helper "*"

or add

"devgroup/yii2-tag-dependency-helper": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Core concept

This extension introduces 2 standard cache tags types for ActiveRecord:

  • common tag - Tag is invalidated if any model of this type is updated/inserted
  • object tag - Tag is invalidated if exact model record is updated(ie. Product with id=2)
  • composite tag - Tag is invalidated if model with specified fields record is updated


In your active record model add behavior and trait:

use \DevGroup\TagDependencyHelper\TagDependencyTrait;

 * @inheritdoc
public function behaviors()
    return [
        'CacheableActiveRecord' => [
            'class' => \DevGroup\TagDependencyHelper\CacheableActiveRecord::className(),

This behavior automatically invalidates tags by model name and pair model-id.

Finding model

There's a special method in TagDependencyTrait for finding models by ID with using tag cache:

 * Finds or creates new model using or not using cache(objectTag is applied, not commonTag!)
 * @param string|int $id ID of model to find
 * @param bool $createIfEmptyId Create new model instance(record) if id is empty
 * @param bool $useCache Use cache
 * @param int $cacheLifetime Cache lifetime in seconds
 * @param bool|\Exception $throwException False or exception instance to throw if model not found or (empty id AND createIfEmptyId==false)
 * @return \yii\db\ActiveRecord|null|self|TagDependencyTrait
 * @throws \Exception
public static function loadModel(
    $createIfEmptyId = false,
    $useCache = true,
    $cacheLifetime = 86400,
    $throwException = false

Example call: $post = Post::loadModel('', false, false, 0, new \Exception("test2"));

For Post model instance($post) cache will be automatically invalidated by object and common tags on update,insert,delete.

Direct invalidation can be done by calling $post->invalidateTags().

Adding cache tags in other scenarios

If your cache entry should be flushed every time any row of model is edited - use getCommonTag helper function:

$models = Configurable::getDb()->cache(
    function ($db) {
        return Configurable::find()->all($db);
    new TagDependency([
        'tags' => NamingHelper::getCommonTag(Configurable::className()),

If your cache entry should be flushed only when exact row of model is edited - use getObjectTag helper function:

$cacheKey = 'Product:' . $model_id;
if (false === $product = Yii::$app->cache->get($cacheKey)) {
    if (null === $product = Product::findById($model_id)) {
        throw new NotFoundHttpException;
        new TagDependency(
                'tags' => [
                    NamingHelper::getObjectTag(Product::className(), $model_id),

If your cache entry should be flushed only when row of model with specified fields is edited - use getCompositeTag helper function and override function cacheCompositeTagFields in model:

//in model for cache, in this case Comments model
protected function cacheCompositeTagFields()
    return ['id_app', 'object_table', 'id_object'];

//Data for caching
$comments = Comments::getDb()->cache(
    function ($db) use ($id_app, $id_object, $object_table) {
        return Comments::find()->where(['id_app' => $id_app, 'object_table' => $object_table, 'id_object' => $id_object])->all($db);
    new TagDependency([
        'tags' => [
            NamingHelper::getCompositeTag(Comments::className(), ['id_app' => $id_app, 'object_table' => $object_table, 'id_object' => $id_object])


Lazy cache

Lazy cache is a technique inspired by iiifx-production/yii2-lazy-cache composer package.

After configuring(see below) you can use it like this:

$pages = Yii::$app->cache->lazy(function() {
    return Page::find()->where(['active'=>1])->all();
}, 'AllActivePages', 3600, $dependency);

In this example Pages find query will be performed only if cache entry with key AllActivePages will not be found. After successful retrieving of models array the result will be automatically stored in cache with AllActivePages as cache key for 3600 seconds and with $dependency as Cache dependency.

Configuring - Performance-way

For performance reasons(yii2 behaviors are slower then traits) - create your own \yii\caching\Cache class and add LazyCacheTrait to it, for example:

namespace app\components;

class MyCache extends \yii\caching\FileCache {
    use \DevGroup\TagDependencyHelper\LazyCacheTrait;

And modify your application configuration to use your cache component:

return [
    'components' => [
        'class' => '\app\components\MyCache',

Now you can use lazy cache:

Configuring - Behavior-way

Just modify your configuration like this:

return [
    'components' => [
        'cache' => [
            'class' => '\yii\caching\FileCache',
            'as lazy' => [
                'class' => '\DevGroup\TagDependencyHelper\LazyCache',

Migrating from 0.0.x to 1.x

  1. We have changed namespace from devgroup to DevGroup
  2. We've splitted behavior into 3 components:
  • CacheableActiveRecord - behavior that adds invalidation on update/insert/delete of ActiveRecord model
  • TagDependencyTrait - trait that must be also added to ActiveRecord class, handles invalidation and adds new static method loadModel
  • NamingHelper - the only one class that handles naming policy for cache tags

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