
Yii2 ActiveRecord supporting MySQL spatial pint data

MIT License



ActiveRecord inspired by yii2-spatial but made simpler only to use specific spatial datatype: POINT. Transform the internal MySQL format to simple coordinate text after finding, and vice versa before storing.

Yii2-geopoint can also be used to find the model or models which are nearest to a given location.

Notice that this extension can be used with MySQL >= 5.6.1, MariaDB >= 5.3.3, and PostgreSQL >= 9.1.


Install Yii2-geopoint with Composer. Either add the following to the require section of your composer.json file:

"reza-id/yii2-geopoint": "*"

Or run:

$ php composer.phar require reza-id/yii2-geopoint "*"

You can manually install Yii2-geopoint by downloading the source in ZIP-format.


Create spatial indexed table using migration:

$this->createTable('{{%place}}', [
	'id' => $this->primaryKey(),
	'name' => $this->string(125)->notNull(),
	'location' => 'POINT NOT NULL',
], $tableOptions);

if ($this->db->driverName === 'mysql') {
	$this->execute('CREATE SPATIAL INDEX `idx-place-location` ON '.'{{%place}}(location);');
} elseif ($this->db->driverName === 'pgsql') {
	$this->execute('CREATE INDEX "idx-place-location" ON '.'{{%place}} USING GIST(location);');

Use a rezaid\geopoint\ActiveRecord as base class for your models, like so:

namespace app\models;

use rezaid\geopoint\ActiveRecord;

class MyModel extends ActiveRecord
    // ...

Notice: if you override find() in a rezaid\geopoint\ActiveRecord-derived class, be sure to return a rezaid\geopoint\ActiveQuery and not an 'ordinary' yii\db\ActiveQuery.

ActiveQuery method


public function nearest($from, $attribute, $radius, $unit)

Change the query so that it finds the model(s) nearest to the point given by $from.

  • $from - string: location in the form <lng>,<lat> (two floats).
  • $attribute - string attribute name of Point in the model.
  • $radius - number search radius in kilometers or miles. Default 100.
  • $unit - string unit value km for kilometers or mil for miles. Default km.

Example usages:

$here = '4.9,52.3';     // longitude and latitude of my place

$nearestModel = <model>::find()->nearest($here, <attributeName>, 200, 'mil')->one();    // search radius is 200 miles

$fiveNearestModels =  <model>::find()->nearest($here, <attributeName>)->limit(5)->all();	// search radius is 100 km (default)

$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 'query' => <model>::find()->nearest($here, <attributeName>) ]);

ActiveRecord method


Get the distance from given location in the ActiveQuery method nearest(), if you want to display the distance in RESTful API, add this as new field in your model:

namespace app\models;

use rezaid\geopoint\ActiveRecord;

class MyModel extends ActiveRecord
	// ...

	public function fields()
		$fields = parent::fields();

		$fields['distance'] = function ($model) {
			return $model->getDistance();

		return $fields;

	// ...


Example rest controller:

namespace app\controllers;

use Yii;
use yii\rest\ActiveController;

class PlaceController extends ActiveController
	public $modelClass = 'app\models\MyModel';

	public function actionSearch()
		$from = Yii::$app->request->get('from');
		$model = new $this->modelClass;
		$query = $model->find();

		if (!empty($from)) {
			$query->nearest($from, 'location', 200);

		try {
			$provider = new \yii\data\ActiveDataProvider([
				'query' => $query,
		} catch (Exception $ex) {
			throw new \yii\web\HttpException(500, 'Internal server error');

		if ($provider->getCount() <= 0) {
			throw new \yii\web\HttpException(404, 'No entries found');
		} else {
			return $provider;