
Yii2 Widget to create thumbnails with custom presets to use them in responsive widgets

MIT License


Yii2 Responsive Image

Create thumbnails with custom presets and use them in responsive widgets


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist tomlutzenberger/yii2-responsive-image "*"

or add

"tomlutzenberger/yii2-responsive-image": "*"

to the required section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, add the component to your web.php:

    // ...
    'components' => [
        // ...
        'responsiveImage' => [
            'class'   => 'TomLutzenberger\ResponsiveImage\components\ResponsiveImage',
            'presets' => [
                // Your presets here

Defining a preset

A preset is like a template for both the thumbnail generator and the picture widget.

    'preset-name' => [
        // Path where the source images are stored
        // Must be absolute and web-accessible -> @webroot
        // Will be used to bulk-generate via console command
        // Required
        'srcPath'         => '@webroot/img/some_path',

        // Path where the thumbnails should be stored
        // Must be absolute and web-accessible -> @webroot
        // If not set, component's defaultTargetPath will be used
        // Optional
        'targetPath'      => '@webroot/img/some_path/preset-name',

        // File extension of the thumbnails
        // If not set, thumbnail will have the same extension as source file
        // Optional
        'targetExtension' => 'jpg',

        // Thumbnail width and height in pixels
        // At least one of them is required
        'width'           => 480,
        'height'          => 400,

        // Image quality in percent
        // Optional
        'quality'         => 80,

        // Viewport breakpoints for the Picture widget
        // Thumbnails gets only displayed within this breakpoint (min and/or max)
        // At least one of them is required
        'breakpointMin'   => 992,
        'breakpointMax'   => 1200,

        // Enable/disable cache-busting for a single preset
        // Optional, defaults to `true`
        'cacheBusting'    => true,

Using the picture widget

Just set the source image and the presets you want to use.


  • Path of the source image must be an alias and web-accessible, so either @web or @webroot
  • Path of the source image need to match srcPath of the preset
<?= TomLutzenberger\ResponsiveImage\widgets\Picture::widget([
    'image'   => '@web/image/content/my-image.jpg',
    'presets' => [
]) ?>

You may als set pictureOptions and imageOptions depending on your needs.

Using the console command

The console command is intended to generate or flush thumbnails for all or just a single preset. If there are no thumbnails, they will be generated on demand (not recommended).

To use it, you need to add the same config to console.php as you did in web.php. However, it is recommended that you place your presets into params.php to keep things clean and consistent.

Additionally, to be able to call the command, define the controller in the controller map:

    // ...
    'components' => [
        // ...
        'responsiveImage' => [
            // ...
    'controllerMap'       => [
        // ...
        'image' => [
            'class' => 'TomLutzenberger\ResponsiveImage\commands\ImageController',

Also, you need to define the aliases @web and @webroot in the yii file:

    // Put this after the 'require' of the Yii.php
    Yii::setAlias('@webroot', __DIR__ . '/web');
    Yii::setAlias('@web', '/');