
Training Exercise Practice Daily

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


API link tải xuống


Create Yii2 Cronjob

  • Set cronjob to send email at 9:00am every morning from M -> F
  • File with name "cront" will be create in project :
  • Run crontab from command :

Config Redis & Yii2

  • Config Redis :
  • Defined get cache :
  • Login Redis cli to get keys:

** Download Postman Collection Json :


Weekly Action :

*** Day 2:

  • Schema database :

    ** File Detail For Database Schema :

+++ ( Click To More Detail ) orders.pdf

  • Migrations:

*** Day 3:

  • Create CRUD for Products

*** Day 4:

  • Create Filter & Search Function
  • Pagination with Serilizer

*** Day 5:

  • Define Module Product :

  • Create method function in product controller of module :

*** Day 6:

  • Refactoring APIs, format json response, migrations for table :
  • Htpp Method via PostMan including User,Product,Post:

*** Week 3:

  • Crete Docker and Setup Nginx and run nginx inside docker :

1_MLFxdoY6ImiTghX9l0lDTA | images

  • Write APIs Comment Product:

    • Get Comemnt:

  • Creeate Comment:
  • Update Comment:
  • Reply Comment:
  • Delete Comment:

** Send email to customer when they checkout order

  • Check email order :

*** Week 4 :

  • Create more table, databases for ecommerce apis :
  • Run Codeceptiomn Unit Test :

Create CI/CD Check CodeCeption Unit Test on Github Action :

API Testing

  • User API
  • Product API

Email Logging