
Shopping cart for Yii2

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Yii2 shopping cart

This extension adds shopping cart for Yii framework 2.0

Guide with a detailed description in Russian language here.


The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer

Either run

php composer.phar require devanych/yii2-cart "*"

or add

devanych/yii2-cart: "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Configure the cart component (default values are shown):

return [
    'components' => [
        'cart' => [
            'class' => 'devanych\cart\Cart',
            'storageClass' => 'devanych\cart\storage\SessionStorage',
            'calculatorClass' => 'devanych\cart\calculators\SimpleCalculator',
            'params' => [
                'key' => 'cart',
                'expire' => 604800,
                'productClass' => 'app\model\Product',
                'productFieldId' => 'id',
                'productFieldPrice' => 'price',

In addition to devanych\cart\storage\SessionStorage, there is also devanych\cart\storage\CookieStorage and devanych\cart\storage\DbSessionStorage. It is possible to create your own storage, you need to implement the interface devanych\cart\storage\StorageInterface.

DbSessionStorage uses SessionStorage for unauthorized users and database for authorized.

If you use the devanych\cart\storage\DbSessionStorage as storageClass then you need to apply the following migration:

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/devanych/yii2-cart/migrations

devanych\cart\calculators\SimpleCalculator produces the usual calculation of the total cost and total quantity of items in the cart. If you need to make a calculation with discounts or something else, you can create your own calculator by implementing the interface devanych\cart\calculators\CalculatorInterface.

Setting up the params array:

  • key - For Session and Cookie.

  • expire - Cookie life time.

  • productClass - Product class is an ActiveRecord model.

  • productFieldId - Name of the product model id field.

  • productFieldPrice - Name of the product model price field.

Supporting multiple shopping carts to same website:

'cart' => [
    'class' => 'devanych\cart\Cart',
    'storageClass' => 'devanych\cart\storage\SessionStorage',
    'calculatorClass' => 'devanych\cart\calculators\SimpleCalculator',
    'params' => [
        'key' => 'cart',
        'expire' => 604800,
        'productClass' => 'app\model\Product',
        'productFieldId' => 'id',
        'productFieldPrice' => 'price',
'favorite' => [
    'class' => 'devanych\cart\Cart',
    'storageClass' => 'devanych\cart\storage\DbSessionStorage',
    'calculatorClass' => 'devanych\cart\calculators\SimpleCalculator',
    'params' => [
        'key' => 'favorite',
        'expire' => 604800,
        'productClass' => 'app\models\Product',
        'productFieldId' => 'id',
        'productFieldPrice' => 'price',


You can get the shopping cart component anywhere in the app using Yii::$app->cart.

Using cart:

// Product is an AR model
$product = Product::findOne(1);

// Get component of the cart
$cart = \Yii::$app->cart;

// Add an item to the cart
$cart->add($product, $quantity);

// Adding item quantity in the cart
$cart->plus($product->id, $quantity);

// Change item quantity in the cart
$cart->change($product->id, $quantity);

// Removes an items from the cart

// Removes all items from the cart

// Get all items from the cart

// Get an item from the cart

// Get ids array all items from the cart

// Get total cost all items from the cart

// Get total count all items from the cart

Using cart items:

// Product is an AR model
$product = Product::findOne(1);

// Get component of the cart
$cart = \Yii::$app->cart;

// Get an item from the cart
$item = $cart->getItem($product->id);

// Get the id of the item

// Get the price of the item

// Get the product, AR model

// Get the cost of the item

// Get the quantity of the item

// Set the quantity of the item

By using method getProduct(), you have access to all the properties and methods of the product.

$product = $item->getProduct();

echo $product->name;