
Paging on date values for Yii2

MIT License



Paging on date values for Yii2

These classes enable database paging based on date values in the Yii 2.0 PHP Framework.

A demonstration of yii2-datepager is here.


The preferred way to install yii2-datepager is through Composer. Either add the following to the require section of your composer.json file:

"sjaakp/yii2-datepager": "*"

Or run:

composer require sjaakp/yii2-datepager "*"

You can manually install yii2-datepager by downloading the source in ZIP-format.

Using Datepager

Using Yii2 Datepager is easy. A minimum usage scenario would look like the following. In EventController.php we would have something like:

use sjaakp\datepager\ActiveDataProvider;

class EventController extends Controller
	// ...

	public function actionIndex()    {
        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
            'query' => Event::find(),
            'dateAttribute' => 'date'

        return $this->render('index', [
            'dataProvider' => $dataProvider

	// ... more actions ...

The corresponding view file index.php could look something like:

use sjaakp\datepager\DatePager;

<?= DatePager::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider
]) ?>

<?= GridView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'columns' => [
        // ... more columns ...
]); ?>



This is an extension from its Yii-counterpart in yii\data, and can be used in the same way. It is important to set attribute $dateAttribute.


string Set this to the name of the attribute which is used to define the pages. Must be set.


string Defines the interval of the pages. Must be set in a form PHP's DateInterval can understand. Default: 'P1Y' (one year).


bool Whether the DatePager pages are rendered in ascending or descending order. Default: true (ascending).


string Date of the first Datepager page. If not set (default), Datepager determines this date itself. It can be set to any date within the range of the first page. Format: any PHP date format.


string Date of the last Datepager page. If not set (default), Datepager determines this date itself. It can be set to any date within the range of the last page. Format: any PHP date format.


string The Datepager HTML parameter name. Default value: 'date'. Might be changed if there is a conflict with other functionality.


This is the widget that renders the actual datepager. The attribute $dataProvider must be set.


The Datepager ActiveDataProvider that this pager is associated with. Must be set.


int The maximum number of page buttons rendered. Default: 10.


null|string|callable Defines the format of the page label.

  • If null: DatePager determines the format based on the dataprovider's interval.
  • If string: a date format according to Yii's Fomrmatter::dateformat.
  • If callable: a function($page, $datePager), returning a string,
    where $page is a PHP DateTimeInterface.


array HTML options for the datepager container tag. Default: [ 'class' => 'pagination' ], compatible with Bootstrap.


array HTML options for the datepager buttons. Default: [ 'class' => 'page-item' ], compatible with Bootstrap 4.


array HTML options for the datepager links. Default: [ 'class' => 'page-link' ], compatible with Bootstrap 4.


string CSS class of the active page. Default: 'active'.


string CSS class of a disabled page. Default: 'disabled'.

$prevPageLabel, $nextPageLabel

'string' Text labels for the previous and next buttons, will not be HTML encoded. If false, the button will not be rendered. Defaults: '&laquo;' and '&raquo;'.

$firstPageLabel, $lastPageLabel

'string' Text labels for the first and last buttons, will not be HTML encoded. If false (default), the button will not be rendered.

All properties, except $dataProvider and $labelFormat are direct equivalents of their counterparts in Yii's LinkPager.