
Google Analytics Measurement Protocol for Yii2

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Google Analytics Measurement Protocol for Yii2

Interact with Google Analytics directly. No need of any JS code. Pure server-side.

Full support for all methods of the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is provided.


Note: Versions in 1.* range are incompatible with PHP 7.2, use 2.* with Yii 2.0.13+ instead.

  1. The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

    To install, either run

    $ php composer.phar require baibaratsky/yii2-ga-measurement-protocol:2.0.*

    or add

    "baibaratsky/yii2-ga-measurement-protocol": "2.0.*"

    to the require section of your composer.json file.

    For PHP versions prior to 7.2, use a release from 1.* range:

    "baibaratsky/yii2-ga-measurement-protocol": "1.2.*"
  2. Add the component configuration in your main.php config file:

    'components' => [
        'ga' => [
            'class' => 'baibaratsky\yii\google\analytics\MeasurementProtocol',
            'trackingId' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', // Put your real tracking ID here
            // These parameters are optional:
            'useSsl' => true, // If you’d like to use a secure connection to Google servers
            'overrideIp' => false, // By default, IP is overridden by the user’s one, but you can disable this
            'anonymizeIp' => true, // If you want to anonymize the sender’s IP address
            'asyncMode' => true, // Enables the asynchronous mode (see below)
            'autoSetClientId' => true, // Try to set ClientId automatically from the “_ga” cookie (disabled by default)


This extension is just a wrapper around the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol library for PHP. request() returns a TheIconic\Tracking\GoogleAnalytics\Analytics object, so all its methods will work seamlessly.

Basic Usage


Order Tracking with Enhanced E-commerce

$request = \Yii::$app->ga->request();

// Build the order data programmatically, each product of the order included in the payload
// First, general and required hit data

// Then, include the transaction data
    ->setAffiliation('THE ICONIC')

// Include a product, the only required fields are SKU and Name
$productData1 = [
    'sku' => 'AAAA-6666',
    'name' => 'Test Product 2',
    'brand' => 'Test Brand 2',
    'category' => 'Test Category 3/Test Category 4',
    'variant' => 'yellow',
    'price' => 50.00,
    'quantity' => 1,
    'coupon_code' => 'TEST 2',
    'position' => 2


// You can include as many products as you need, this way
$productData2 = [
    'sku' => 'AAAA-5555',
    'name' => 'Test Product',
    'brand' => 'Test Brand',
    'category' => 'Test Category 1/Test Category 2',
    'variant' => 'blue',
    'price' => 85.00,
    'quantity' => 2,
    'coupon_code' => 'TEST',
    'position' => 4


// Don't forget to set the product action, which is PURCHASE in the example below

// Finally, you need to send a hit; in this example, we are sending an Event

Asynchronous Mode

By default, sending a hit to Google Analytics will be a synchronous request, and it will block the execution of the script until the latter gets a response from the server or terminates by timeout after 100 seconds (throwing a Guzzle exception). However, if you turn the asynchronous mode on in the component config, asynchronous non-blocking requests will be used.

'asyncMode' => true,

This means that we are sending the request and not waiting for response. The TheIconic\Tracking\GoogleAnalytics\AnalyticsResponse object that you will get back has null for HTTP status code.

You can also send an asynchronous request even if you haven’t turned it on in the config. Just call setAsyncRequest(true) before sending the hit:


Auto set clientId from cookie

If you set autoSetClientId to true durning component configuration you must disable enableCookieValidation. You can do this by configuring request component. Otherwise, the auto set clientId will not work.

'components' => [
    'request' => [
        'enableCookieValidation' => false,
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