
AskTube - An AI-powered YouTube video summarizer and QA assistant powered by Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) 🤖. Run it entirely on your local machine with Ollama, or cloud-based models like Claude, OpenAI, Gemini, Mistral, and more.

MIT License


Demo & Screenshot

Watch "AskTube First Demo" on YouTube


  • Work even with unsubtitle video
  • No limit video time
  • Support multiple AI vendors
  • Focus on RAG implemetation
  • Fully run on your local machine

Why does this project exist?

  • Ive seen several GitHub repositories offering AI-powered summaries for YouTube videos, but none include Q&A
  • I want to implement a more comprehensive solution while also gaining experience with AI to build my own RAG application.


  • Language: Python, JS
  • Server: [email protected], Bun@v1
  • Framework/Lib: Sanic, Peewee, Pytubefix, Sentence Transformers, Sqlite, Chroma, NuxtJs/DaisyUI, etc.
  • Embedding Provider (Analysis Provider):
    • OpenAI
    • Gemini
    • VoyageAI
    • Mistral
    • Sentence Transformers (Local)
  • AI Provider:
    • OpenAI
    • Claude
    • Gemini
    • Mistral
    • Ollama (Local)
  • Speech To Text:

Next Todo Tasks

  • Implement Speech To Text for cloud models
    • AssemblyAI
    • OpenAI
    • Gemini
  • Enhance
    • Skip using RAG for short videos
    • Chat prompts, chat messages by context limit
    • RAG: Implement Query Translation
      • Multiquery
      • Fusion
      • Decomposition
      • Step back
      • HyDE

How to run ?

For the first time running, the program maybe a bit slow due they need to install local models.

Run on your machine

  • Ensure you installed:

    • Python 3.10

      • Windows User, please download here
      • Linux, MacOS User, please use homebrew or your install package command (apt, dnf, etc)
      • Or use conda
    • Poetry

      • Windows User open Powershell and run:
      (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
      • Linux, MacOS User open Terminal and run:
      curl -sSL | python3 -
    • Bun

    • ffmpeg

      • MacOS User
      brew install ffmpeg
      • Linux User
      # Ubuntu
      sudo apt install ffmpeg
      # Fedora
      sudo dnf install -y ffmpeg
  • Clone repostiory

    git clone
  • Create file .env in asktube/engine directory:

  • Run program

    • You may need to run first:
    poetry env use python
    • Open terminal/cmd/powershell in asktube/engine directory, then run:
    poetry install && poetry run python engine/
    • Open terminal/cmd/powershell in asktube/web directory, then run:
    bun install && bun run dev
  • Open web: http://localhost:3000

With docker (In process)

Before You Start

  1. I built these services to docker images, but if you want to build local images, please run build.local.bat for Windows or or for MacOS, Linux
  2. If you have a GPU (cuda or rocm), please refer ENV settings above, change params like above


  • Use local.yaml compose file to start
  • Open terminal/cmd/powershell in asktube directory
docker compose -f compose/local.yaml pull && docker compose -f compose/local.yaml up -d
  • After run, you need install Ollama model qwen2 and llama3.1 for QA
docker run ollama ollama run qwen2
docker run ollama ollama run llama3.1

Free (with rate limit)

  • You need to go Google Gemini and VoyageAI to register account and generate your own API keys:
    • Gemini is free with your Google Account
    • VoyageAI (recommended by Claude) gives you free 50M tokens (a huge amount) but you need to add your credit card first.
  • Replace your ENV setting in docker file free and start docker
  • Open terminal/cmd/powershell in asktube directory
docker compose -f compose/free.yaml pull && docker compose -f compose/free.yaml up -d


  • Using VoyageAI for embedding texts
  • Using OpenAI and Claude for QA, register account and generate your own API keys
  • Replace your ENV setting in docker file ideal and start docker
  • Open terminal/cmd/powershell in asktube directory
docker compose -f compose/ideal.yaml pull && docker compose -f compose/ideal.yaml up -d



The real implementation might differ from this art due to its complexity.

1 Extract data from given URL

2 Storing embedding chapter subtitles

3 Asking (included enrich question)


  1. Do not use this for production. This aimed for end-users on their local machines.
  2. Do not request any advanced features for management.

For development

FAQ and Troubleshooting

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