
Create an application iOS for your Youtube Channel with React Native and Google API V3


#ReactNative Youtube Channel Create an application iOS for your Youtube Channel with ReactNative


  • XCode 6.3
  • React-native
$ npm i -g react-native-cli

How to install

$ git clone
$ cd ReactNativeYoutube
$ npm install

How to run with Simulator

  1. Open ReactYoutube.xcodeproj with Xcode

  2. Select your simulator and run with Xcode CMD + R

How to debug with Simulator

  1. CMD + D in a simulator and select Debug in Chrome

  2. Open http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui in your Chrome navigator

How to run with Device

  1. Close the terminal window that appeared (it will say React Packager)

  2. Open iOS/AppDelegate.m

  3. Uncomment jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] ...

  4. Run the react-native bundle command in terminal from the root directory ReactNativeYoutube

  5. Select your device and run with Xcode CMD + R

See ReactNative documentation

Use your Youtube Channel

  1. Connect to Google Developer

  2. Create a New Project

  3. Go to APIs & auth > APIs > Enable Youtube Data API v3

  4. APIs & auth > Credentials > Public API access > Create new Key

  1. Select iOS Key
  1. Click on Create

  2. Configure config.js

  • Copy your API key in field key
  • Create a Playlist Youtube with all your videos and copy playlist id in fied playlistDefault
  • Copy your Youtube Channel id in field channelId


  • Reload list videos with scroll
  • Cache
  • Display Video native

###Contact Twitter: @pierre_co

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