
Custom Youtube search and videoplayer made entirely on Python Web Framework Django. Data collected by using YouTube Data API v3.



Custom Youtube search and videoplayer made entirely on Python Web Framework Django.Data collected by using YouTube Data API v3. Templates made on Bootstrap 4.

How it works

  1. It shows top 12 youtube video result of your search.

  2. On clicking at any video, it opens a new page containing the embedded video and a button to redirect to youtube page of the same video.


Shows title, total no. of views, thumbnail and the video uploaded date.

How to Use

Initialize the project

Create and activate a virtualenv:
  1. virtualenv venv. This will a create a vitual environment called "venv" that helps with controlling dependencies.(For windows run mkvirtualenv venv)
  2. source venv/bin/activate.( For windows run workon venv )
Install dependencies:

(while in the activated virtual environment)

pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: After installing dependencies, pip-tools is also installed. You can now use it to manage package dependencies of your project.

Add a new package to requirements.txt and run the following command to auto-update requirements.txt file

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Run the following command to sync your virtualenv


This will install/upgrade/uninstall everything necessary to match the requirements.txt contents.

Set Your API key

Open the Youtube_Search/ file and change YourAPIKey with 'Google developer genereated API of Youtube Data API v3' here:

Run the server:
python runserver
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