
Difference calculations for the terminal

MIT License


pc - Change Calculator for the Terminal

pc is a lightweight, blazing-fast tool that simplifies both the calculation and the understanding of differences between numbers. It allows you to quickly evaluate performance changes and offers meaningful human-formatted output, all within the convenience of your terminal.

✨ Features

  • 🔥 Fashionable Output: Human readable, colorful, and easy to understand
  • 🎯 Always Accurate: Calculates percent change correctly every time
  • 🚀 Blazing Fast: Don't wait, get your results instantly
  • ❤️ Zig-Powered: Crafted with love using Zig

🛠️ Usage

💻 Basic Calculation

Compute percentage changes and differences effortlessly:

 pc 18024 19503 11124 12321 340200 424212 1000000000
    8.21%  1.08x  [ 17.60KiB → 19.05KiB ]
   -43.0%  0.57x  [  19.0KiB → 10.9KiB  ]
    10.8%  1.11x  [  10.9KiB → 12.0KiB  ]
    2661%  27.6x  [    12KiB → 332KiB   ]
    24.7%  1.25x  [ 332.2KiB → 414.3KiB ]
  235631%  2357x  [   414KiB → 954MiB   ]

🎓 Friendly Sizes by Default

Large numbers are automatically translated into familiar sizes like GiB, MiB, KiB:

 pc 1124122523 2421252122
  115.4%  2.15x  [ 1.0GiB → 2.3GiB ]

Need raw numbers? Use the -r option:

 pc 1124122523 2421252122 -r
  115.4%  2.15x  [ 1124122496 → 2421252096 ]

🔀 Flexibility with Delimiters

By default, pc tokenizes the input with the default delimiters ( \n\t\r,;:|). Use the --delimiters or -d option to specify additional delimiters:

 echo "15@20@3 6" | pc -d "@"
  33.3%  1.33x  [ 15 → 20 ]
   -85%  0.15x  [ 20 → 3  ]
   100%     2x  [  3 → 6  ]

📐 Fixed Calculation

Use the --fixed or -f flags to evaluate changes relative to a specific reference point in your series. You can specify positive or negative indices to choose the reference number.

Evaluate changes relative to the first number (default):

 pc 1 2 3 4 -f
  100%  2x  [ 1 → 2 ]
  200%  3x  [ 1 → 3 ]
  300%  4x  [ 1 → 4 ]

Or choose a different reference point (one-based):

 pc 1 2 3 4 -f 2
  -50%  0.50x  [ 2 → 1 ]
   50%  1.50x  [ 2 → 3 ]
  100%     2x  [ 2 → 4 ]

Or index from the end of the series with negative numbers:

 pc 1 2 3 4 -f -1
  -75%  0.25x  [ 4 → 1 ]
  -50%  0.50x  [ 4 → 2 ]
  -25%  0.75x  [ 4 → 3 ]

📄 Output Formats

Specify the output format with the --format option. Currently, pc supports the following formats:

  • Human-readable (default)
  • JSON
  • CSV

JSON Output

 pc 18024 19503 --format json | jq
    "percent": 8.20572566986084,
    "times": 1.082057237625122,
    "prev": 18024,
    "cur": 19503

CSV Output

 pc 18024 19503 --format csv

For the full command list, simply run:

pc --help

📥 Installation

Prebuilt Binaries Available

Find them on the releases page.

Supported Releases

  • Linux: aarch64-linux-pc, riscv64-linux-pc, x86_64-linux-pc
  • macOS: aarch64-macos-pc
  • Windows: x86_64-windows-pc.exe

Installation Example for Linux (x86_64)

wget -O pc https://github.com/cgbur/pc/releases/latest/download/x86_64-linux-pc
chmod +x pc
mv pc ~/.local/bin/pc

Replace the file name in the URL with the corresponding one for other Linux architectures.

Build from Source

To build from source, you'll need Zig:

git clone https://github.com/cgbur/pc.git
cd pc
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe
cp zig-out/bin/pc ~/.local/bin/pc

📝 Future Plans

  • [ ] Think of more features to add