
A collection of some awesome public Zig programming language projects.

MIT License


Awesome Zig

This repository lists "awesome" projects written in Zig, maintained by ZigCC community.

[!IMPORTANT] The word "awesome" does not signify stability; instead, it might suggest something is somewhat old-fashioned or lacking novelty. Hence, exercise caution.


If you find a well-maintained library that is not yet included here, welcome to submit it via a pull request. Just be sure to execute make all before open PR.


TOC is generated by markdown-toc.

Learning Resources

  • Zig Language Reference : Zig Language Reference.
  • Zig In-depth Overview : Zig In-depth Overview.
  • Zig Guide : Get started with the Zig programming language.
  • Zig cookbook : A collection of simple Zig programs that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks.
  • Zig in 30 minutes : A half-hour to learn Zig.
  • Ziglings : Learn the Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
  • Awesome zig wiki: Other interesting materials about Zig.
  • Learning Zig : This guide aims to make you comfortable with Zig. It assumes prior programming experience, though not in any particular language.
  • Zig 圣经 : 简单、快速地学习 Zig.


Text Editors


Documentation and Testing

  • kristoff-it/zig-doctest : A tool for testing snippets of code, useful for websites and books that talk about Zig.

Package and Version Manager


Data Structure and Algorithm

String Processing

File format processing

Logging Processing

Audio Processing

Image and Video Processing

Date, Time and Timezones

Command Line and Argument Parser

  • Hejsil/zig-clap : A simple and easy to use command line argument parser library for Zig.
  • MasterQ32/zig-args : Simple-to-use argument parser with struct-based config.
  • jiacai2050/zigcli : A toolkit for building command lines programs in Zig.
  • PrajwalCH/yazap : 🔧 The ultimate Zig library for seamless command line parsing. Effortlessly handles options, subcommands, and custom arguments with ease.
  • 00JCIV00/cova : Commands, Options, Values, Arguments. A simple yet robust cross-platform command line argument parsing library for Zig.
  • BanchouBoo/accord : A simple argument parser for Zig.
  • judofyr/parg : Lightweight argument parser for Zig.
  • sam701/zig-cli : A simple package for building command line apps in Zig.

Memory Allocator and Management

Asynchronous Runtime

  • mitchellh/libxev : libxev is a cross-platform, high-performance event loop that provides abstractions for non-blocking IO, timers, events, and more and works on Linux (io_uring or epoll), macOS (kqueue), and Wasm + WASI. Available as both a Zig and C API.
  • kprotty/zap : An asynchronous runtime with a focus on performance and resource efficiency.
  • lithdew/pike : Async I/O for Zig.

Embedded Development

General Operating System

Robot Operating System

Compilers and Interpreters

  • Aro : Aro. A C compiler with the goal of providing fast compilation and low memory usage with good diagnostics.
  • buzz: A small/lightweight statically typed scripting language.
  • fubark/cyber : Fast and concurrent scripting.
  • squeek502/zua : An implementation of Lua 5.1 in Zig, for learning purposes.
  • Vexu/bog : Small, strongly typed, embeddable language.

FFI Bindings

Zigged Project

  • libz: zlib with the build system replaced by zig
  • libmp3lame: libmp3lame with the build system replaced by zig
  • libvorbis: libvorbis with the build system replaced by zig
  • libogg: libogg with the build system replaced by zig
  • nasm: nasm with the build system replaced by zig
  • ffmpeg: ffmpeg with the build system replaced by zig
  • SDL: SDL with the build system replaced by Zig
  • libebur128: libebur128 with the build system replaced by zig
  • pulseaudio: pulseaudio with the build system replaced by zig
  • libchromaprint: chromaprint with the build system replaced by zig
  • raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
  • openssl: TLS/SSL and crypto library (uses Zig Build)
  • wolfssl: WolfSSL library - Using Zig Build
  • fmt: A modern formatting library (uses zig build-system)
  • boost unordered: unordered module (uses zig build)
  • boost async: Coroutines for C++20 & asio (uses zig build for testing)
  • json: JSON for Modern C++ (uses zig build-system)
  • context: boost.context library using zig build
  • fiber: userland threads uses zig build
  • outcome: Provides very lightweight outcome<T> and result<T> (non-Boost edition) (uses zig build-system)
  • Standalone: Asio standalone C++ HTTP/S Server (uses zig build-system)
  • asio: Asio C++ Library (uses zig build-system)
  • observable: : Unique-ownership smart pointers with observable lifetime.
  • Catch2: A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch) - uses zig build-system
  • cppfront: Build Cppfront w/ zig build
  • hana: Your standard library for metaprogramming
  • intrusive: intrusive module
  • range: Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for C++20's std::ranges
  • zig-libxml2: libxml2 built using Zig build system
  • benchmark: A microbenchmark support library
    First post at here.
  • libffi: libffi with a Zig build script.

GPU Computing

Scientific Computation

Machine Learning


Sensor and Communication Interface

Finite State Machine

Game Field




Web Framework

Web3 Framework


Performance Benchmark

Graphics Library

