
ZTAP: TAP producer for zig build test

MIT License



The Test Anything Protocol is a simple, venerable, and widely-used format for reporting the output of tests.

ZTAP is a Zig library for running and reporting tests in the TAP 14 format.


This can be used as the main unit testing step, or as a custom step. Instructions will assume the latter, but are easily adapted for the former case.

Add to build.zig.zon in the usual fashion:

zig fetch --save "https://github.com/mnemnion/ztap/archive/refs/tags/v0.8.1.tar.gz"

You'll need a test runner à la src/ztap-runner.zig:

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const ztap = @import("ztap");

// This gives TAP-compatible panic handling
pub const panic = ztap.ztap_panic;

pub fn main() !void {

Do be sure to exit with 0, since the protocol interprets non-zero as a test failure.

Add something of this nature to build.zig:

    // ZTAP test runner step.
    const ztap_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
        .name = "ztap-run",
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/test-root-file.zig"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .test_runner = b.path("src/ztap-runner.zig"),

    // To put the runner in zig-out etc.

    const run_ztap_tests = b.addRunArtifact(ztap_unit_tests);

    // To unilaterally run tests, add this:
    run_ztap_tests.has_side_effects = true;

    if (b.lazyDependency("ztap", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    })) |ztap_dep| {
        ztap_unit_tests.root_module.addImport("ztap", ztap_dep.module("ztap"));

    const ztap_step = b.step("ztap", "Run tests with ZTAP");

That should do the trick. See the first link for an example of what to expect in the way of output.

Use Notes

ZTAP is simply an output format for Zig's test system, and no changes should be necessary to use it as such. If error.SkipZigTest is returned, ZTAP will issue the # Skip directive. Zig doesn't support a TODO for tests (not that it should necessarily), but TAP does, so if error.ZTapTodo is returned, ZTAP will issue # Todo. Zig's test runner will treat the latter as any other error. In the event that Zig adds a TODO error to the test system, ZTAP will support that also.

The ztap_panic function will add a comment to the TAP output naming the test, and issue the Bail out! directive which is proper for a fatal error. It then calls the default panic handler, which does the accustomed things using stderr.


ZTAP does what it needs to. My intention is to use it (use by others is encouraged as well) until I'm fairly convinced it does nothing weird or untoward, or until six months have passed, whichever is longer.

It will then be declared 1.0 and will not change further unless TAP, or Zig, require it to. No changes to the interface at any of these points are likely.

Why Though?

Everything speaks TAP. CI speaks TAP, distros speak TAP, your editor speaks TAP. If you find yourself wanting to integrate with some or all of these things, ZTAP will TAP your Zig.

Also, if you print to stdout, ZTAP will not hang your unit tests. That doesn't make it a good idea, TAP harnesses ignore what they don't grok, but it can't help things, and it can screw them up. It does mean that tests will complete in the event that stdout is printed to.