
This repository contains personalized configurations for the tools and applications I use on a daily basis. 🚀

MIT License


Configure NVIM Config

Go to the repo directory and use symlink for nvim config

ln -s $(pwd)/.config/nvim ~/.config
ln -s $(pwd)/.config/terminalizer ~/.config

Setup Homebrew

Install homebrew as Package Manager for mac to able to use brew command, check the documentation here

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After installing Homebrew, do

brew bundle --file=/Brewfile

Configure Zed

Copy settings from zed settings to .config/zed/settings.json

Or, using symlink to link directly the folder to your config

ln -s $(pwd)/.config/zed ~/.config

Configure VSCode

Install VSCode from here or using brew command for mac

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

Copy settings from vscode settings to VSCode Settings

Install all extensions that we needed with this command

cat .config/vscode/extensions.list | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension

Setup TMUX

Relevant Files

Install TMUX with Homebrew:

brew install tmux

Install Tpm (TMUX Package Manager):

git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Install all plugins in TMUX with command: Ctrl-a + Shift-i

Setup Neovim

Relevant Files

Setup Requires

  • True Color Terminal Like: iTerm2
  • Neovim (Version 0.9 or Later)
  • Nerd Font - I use Meslo Nerd Font
  • Ripgrep - For Telescope Fuzzy Finder
  • XCode Command Line Tools

Install Deps with Homebrew:

brew install --cask iterm2

brew install node vim neovim tree-sitter git fd ripgrep lazygit lua luajit

For XCode Command Line Tools do:

xcode-select --install

Optional deps

brew install lsd eza tree

If you have already installed vim, create a symbolic link to map directly neovim with vim

ln -s $(which nvim) /opt/homebrew/bin/vim

Setup Terminalizer

Install Terminalizer from NPM

npm install -g terminalizer

Setup Go on Neovim

Install binaries on running this command GoInstallBinaries

Uninstall nvim

# Linux / Macos (unix)
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim

# Windows
rd -r ~\AppData\Local\nvim
rd -r ~\AppData\Local\nvim-data
