
My awesome config files


Config files for AwesomeWM

This was made on a 1920x1080 display

Wallpaper - ArtStation

Video showcasing the animations

Install Instructions:

List of the required programs for this rice

(For yay in Arch Linux)

yay -S --needed awesome-git polybar picom-pijulius-git alacritty betterlockscreen catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha conky logo-ls lxappearance neovim neofetch papirus-icon-theme feh rofi xidlehook sddm qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-svg

Optional programs

  1. zsh and ohmyzsh
  2. brightnessctl
  3. cool-retro-term with cmatrix used as a screensaver
  4. neofetch
  5. neovim
  6. nemo (file manager)
  7. redshift

Manual Method:

Thanks to ka1ry for testing on different hardware!


Proceed with caution

  1. git clone
  2. Backup your .config folder or make it if it doesen't already exist
  3. cp -r ~/awesome-setup/config/* ~/.config
  4. cp -r ~/awesome-setup/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts
  5. fc-cache -v -f
  6. sudo cp -r ~/.config/sddm/sugar-candy /usr/share/sddm/themes/
  7. sudo cp -r ~/.config/sddm/sddm.conf /etc/
  8. systemctl enable betterlockscreen@$USER
  9. cp -r ~/awesome-setup/ ~/awesome-setup/ ~/awesome-setup/.xinitrc ~/awesome-setup/.Xresources ~/awesome-setup/.zprofile ~/awesome-setup/.zshrc ~/

You can view all keybindings in awesomewm using Mod + s

Download the wallpaper from the artstation link and put it in your ~/Downloads

Change your latitude and longitude in ~/.config/polybar/ on lines 80 and 81 and ~/.config/redshift/redshift.conf on lines 60 and 61

Check ~/.config/awesome/ and lines 623 - 630 in ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua for startup programs. Modify to your liking

Theme your remaining apps from the Catppuccin Github

Missing Icons in polybar?

Missing Brightness Icon - Backlight and xbacklight modules

Missing Battery Icon - You probably don't have a battery in which case you can remove the battery module from line 85 of ~/.config/polybar/config.ini

Missing Network Icon - Polybar network wiki

Firefox userchrome css

  1. cd into ~/.mozilla/firefox/(release).default-release/chrome (make chrome folder if it doesen't exist already)
  2. copy files inside ~/awesome-setup/firefox/chrome to the folder in the above point
  3. Install Tab center reborn extension -> More details here Cascade

Firefox keybindings via vimium

  1. Get the extension Vimium
  2. Copy text from firefox/vimium/vimium.css and paste it into "css for vimium ui" in the vimium settings


  1. Install npm yay -S npm
  2. sudo npm install http-server -g
  3. run http-server ~/.config/chevron/dist/ and visit in your browser
  4. I've already added this command in autostart (check end of rc.lua)
  5. If you're on firefox you can use new tab override to change the new tab and home page
  6. For more details -> Chevron


Sources of inspiration: