
Myself dotfiles



note: Continuous updating!

DaiDai's dotfiles is a configuration file that creates a (C++ / C, Python, AI)development environment with just one line of command.

vim plug-in manager tool is Vundle. include bashic tool zsh, tmux, vim, ssh, sshfs, tree, autojump


cd ~; git clone -b master && sudo ./dotfiles/


folder/: not in ~/folder/, this is a temp folder.

  • hosts: in /etc/, config realm name and IP
  • apt.conf in /etc/apt/, config global proxy
  • sources.list in /etc/apt/, config apt source
  • .kaggle/kaggle.json, kaggle shell tool used download dataset.
  • Dockerfile, build basic ubuntu images
  • editorconfig
    Preferences.sublime-settings is simple config file in sublime text2, no usage plugin.
  • git config core.fileMode false
  • git config --global core.fileMode false
zsh  # using oh-my-zsh
  • prefix key: Ctrl + x
  • command
    • tmux (new -s session_name -n window_name) create a new session
    • tmux ^x d sign out and save
    • tmux a -t session_name) get into named tmp session
    • tmux ls show all session_name
    • tmux kill-session -t session_name kill tmp session
  • window
    • prefix n next window
    • prefix p previous window
    • prefix c create a new window
    • prefix , rename current window
  • window pane
    • prefix % vertical split
    • prefix " horizontal split
    • prefix z maximize pane / recovery
    • prefix(hold) + direction key adjust window pane size
    • prefix x close current pane
  • shift mouse-right + click copy copy
  • F9 open / close small map

  • F2 open / close catalog

  • switch windows

    • ctrl w direction switch widnows
  • :sp file_name upper and lower segmentation windows

  • :vs file_name horizontal segmentation

  • switch file buf

    • :bn next file
    • :bp previous windows
    • :bn switch to the nth files
    • ctrl 6 switch file
  • switch window tab

    • gt previous window
    • gT next window
    • :tabe file_name open a new window
    • :tabc close windows
  • shift z z save file and fast quit

  • just font size

    • ctrl - size small, ctrl shift + size big
  • adjust windows size

    • vs windows
      • F5 small, F6 big
    • sp windows
      • F7 small, F8 big
  • fast copy paste

    • yy fast copy one line
    • p fast paste one line
  • auto complete

    • ctrl p open auto complete
  • ctrl s stop screen output

  • ctrl q recovery screen output

  • :set fileformat=unix or :set ff=unix change windows file format to linux/mac file format.

  • :start_lines,end_lines> indet

  • :start_lines,end_lines< retract Ctrl + d

  • :terminal

  • Command mode

    • G go file end
    • gg go file head
    • dd delete current line
    • ndd delete from current line to n next line
    • yy copy current line
    • nyy copy from current line to n next line
    • p paste in next line
    • P paste in previous line
    • u return previous step
    • ctrl r return next step
    • . repeat previous operator
  • Last line mode

    • :n1,n2s/word1/word2/g from n1 to n2 change word1 to word2
    • :%s/word1/word2/g change word1 to word2 in all file
  • block selection mode ctrl + v

    • shift + i, input insert content, then Esc Esc
    • d, then Esc Esc
Other Tool
  • auto jump fast to appoint name file
    • jc filename
  • tree see file tree
    • tree filename
  • avoid error rm -rf
    • trash
  • (moss userid=662266874) check code repeat
  • man manual
    • man
  • cman manual chinese language
    • cman
  • pip source settings
    • pip install xxx -i source_url
  • git extension
  • wget usage proxy
    • wget -e "http_proxy=" url
  • process manager tool
    • supervisor
  • conky
    sudo apt-get install conky
    killall conky


For learning or personal user use only, all remaining rights reserved by individuals.Github@daidai21