
soswavified z shell (zsh config basically)




"soswavified z-shell for the wicked"


+ zsh            (duh)
+ eza            (optional)
+ a fetch tool   (optional)
+ a brain        (optional)

yeah yeah, but how do i install it?

simple! just clone the repository and move all the files (.zshrc and .zsh) to your home directory

cd ; git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/soswav/zsh

considering that you're not using the installer, you probably already know some stuff about your terminal!

now, just move the old .zshrc file to whereever you want as i seriously want you to backup your stuff!

now that you've done that, just run:

mv ~/zsh/.zsh ~ ; mv ~/zsh/.zshrc ~

that should move the files to your home folder; now just source your .zshrc while using zsh (if you haven't restarted your session yet)

nah, i'm too lazy for cloning and moving the files a bit

  1. first of all: alright..
  2. second of all: sure!

just run this in your terminal:

cd $HOME ; curl -O https://codeberg.org/soswav/zsh/raw/branch/main/installer.sh ; chmod u+x installer.sh ; ./installer.sh

[!WARNING] consider reading the script first! don't trust random scipts!

ehem, it sends you to your home directory, downloads the installer, makes it executable, and executes it!

this is atrocious

open a issue and tell me what i should improve then! feel free to contribute also!

themes? what??

i'm currently attempting to make good-looking themes for the config, here's what some of them look like:

[!NOTE] ignore my screenshot skills