
Grunt tasks for zsh completion.

MIT License



Grunt tasks for zsh completion.

Deprecation Warning

grunt-cli now supports bash tab completion and no longer provides a list command.

It should be possible to parse grunt --version --verbose or use bash completion in zsh with bashcompinit or bash_source.

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-shell-completion

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



Adds grunt grunt-shell-completion to print a snippet:

~/grunt-shell-completion » grunt grunt-shell-completion
Running "grunt-shell-completion" task
# completion for grunt
function grunt_tasks {
    reply=(`grunt --no-color list`)
compctl -K grunt_tasks grunt

Done, without errors.

And grunt list to list available commands (if a grunt.js file is available):

~/grunt-shell-completion » grunt list
Running "list" task
concat init lint min qunit server test watch list grunt-shell-completion default
Done, without errors.

If the completion snippet is loaded with your .zshrc file, we can tab complete grunt commands. For example:

~/grunt-shell-completion » grunt grunt-shell-completion | tail +2 | head -5 >> ~/.zshrc
~/grunt-shell-completion » source ~/.zshrc
~/grunt-shell-completion » grunt^TAB
\"list\"                concat                  grunt-shell-completion  list                    server                  watch
Done,                   default                 init                    min                     task                    without
Running                 errors.                 lint                    qunit                   test


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History


Copyright (c) 2012 Greg Guthe Licensed under the MIT license.