
ZSH powerline theme based on Agnoster

MIT License


Boban ZSH theme

A Powerline ZSH font, based on Agnoster


If you use oh-my-zsh, you can just clone this repo into the custom/themes directory in your oh-my-zsh installation and set ZSH_THEME="boban/boban" in your zshrc before loading oh-my-zsh.

You also need to have a Nerdfont to have all the symbols show up properly.


The prompt segments will hide themselves when there is no relevant env vars set for them, or you are not in a directory that has a git repo or terraform workspace. With nothing set, only the user@host and working directory segments will show up.

You can set the DEFAULT_USER env var to your username in your zshrc before loading this theme to stop showing the first prompt segment when you are on your main user. It will always show when you are ssh-ed into the host where the shell is running on, to indicate that you are not on your local machine.