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Next Resumeee

Demo Project Video of the Project


Next Resumeee is a comprehensive full stack Resume Builder Application developed using NextJS. It allows users to generate their resumes with ease by selecting from various templates. The application offers both free and premium templates. Users with a premium subscription can download any resume template they prefer. Additionally, the application features robust admin functionalities for managing templates and viewing user information in a structured format.


User Features

  • Resume Creation: Create resumes effortlessly by filling out your details in the Profile section and choosing from a variety of templates.
  • Template Variety: Access both free and premium templates to suit different needs.
  • Premium Downloads: Premium subscribers can download any resume template available.

Admin Features

  • Template Management: Admins can add and edit resume templates.
  • User and Subscription Management: Admins can view detailed user and subscription information in a tabular format.

Technologies Used

  • NextJS: For building the front-end and back-end of the application.
  • Clerk: For user authentication and management.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling the application.
  • Ant Design: For UI components.
  • MongoDB: For storing user details, subscription details, and template structures.
  • Firebase: For storing resume thumbnail photos.
  • Zustand: For global state management.
  • Stripe: For handling payments and subscriptions.

Live Preview

Note regarding purchasing subscription using Stripe

To make a successful payment using Stripe for premium resume templates in this project, you can use the following test card number provided by Stripe:

  • Indian Test Visa Card: 4000 0035 6000 0008

For the card details:

  • Card Expiry Date: Use any date in the future. For example, if today's date is 08/24 (August 2024), you can use an expiry date like 05/28 (May 2028), where 08 and 05 are months, and 24 and 28 are years.
  • Security Code (CVV): Use 111 or 123.

For more information, refer to the demo YouTube video of the project as mentioned above.

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