
A customizable action that synchronizes files across multiple repositories.

MIT License


📦 Files Sync Action

A customizable action that synchronizes files across multiple repositories.

files-sync-action is a GitHub Action that synchronizes files across multiple repositories based on a configuration file written in YAML. It is useful in cases where you want to unify files, such as various tool configuration files or workflow files, across repositories. There are various patterns for motivation to synchronize files, depending on the team. To support these use cases, it allows for detailed configuration.

The following links are the actual PR and Workflow execution result logs:

Actual PR


  • 🔄 Create PRs to synchronize files and directories across multiple repositories
  • 🛠️ Support flexible configuration of reviewers and labels for PRs
  • 🏁 Supports stable file synchronization even in large repositories.
  • 📝 Support file customization using EJS


In this section, we explain the most common usage of files-sync-action. To start using it, simply create a Workflow file that runs files-sync-action and a configuration file, as shown below:


name: Sync Files
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: wadackel/files-sync-action@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_FILES_SYNC_TOKEN }}
name: Sync Files
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Generate token
        id: generate_token
        uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
          app-id: ${{ secrets.GH_APP_ID }}
          private-key: ${{ secrets.GH_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          # Optional: Set the permissions for the token (e.g. "owner", "repositories")
      - uses: wadackel/files-sync-action@v3
          github_token: ${{ steps.generate_token.outputs.token }}


      - 'wadackel'
      - 'files-sync'

  - files:
      - tsconfig.json
      - .prettierrc.json
      - from: workflows/ci.yaml
        to: .github/workflows/ci.yaml
      - owner/repo1
      - owner/repo2@target_branch

If you need more customization, please refer to the Sync Configuration section.


files-sync-action supports authentication using both Personal Access Tokens and GitHub Apps.

We recommend using Fine-grained personal access tokens for Personal Access Token authentication, as they allow for more granular access control compared to traditional tokens. Authentication using GitHub Apps is useful for team development.

To use files-sync-action, you need to set the following Repository permissions for each respective token:

Type Permission
Contents Read and write
Pull requests Read and write
Metadata Read and write
Workflows To synchronize Workflow files: Read and write, Other: No access



Required: true Default: n/a

Personal Access Token to use to create file sync and PR. Required if GITHUB_APP_* is not specified.


Required: false Default:

API URL of the GitHub server.


Required: false Default: .github/files-sync-config.yaml

The path for the sync configuration file.



URL array of PRs created to synchronize files.


An array of all synchronized file names.

Sync Configuration

The configuration file for file synchronization can be written in YAML. By default, it refers to .github/files-sync-config.yaml. If you want to change the path, please modify the value of inputs.config_file.

The configuration file consists of a settings section, which defines common settings, and a patterns section, which defines individual file synchronization patterns. The contents defined in settings are inherited by all patterns.

Key Required Type Description
settings false SettingsConfig Settings to be used commonly across all file synchronization patterns
patterns true Array<PatternConfig> File synchronization patterns


Configure the settings to be used commonly across all file synchronization patterns. You can customize the default commit and branch settings, as well as the contents of the PR.

Key Required Type Description
commit false CommitConfig Various settings related to commits
branch false BranchConfig Various settings related to branches
pull_request false PullRequestConfig Various settings related to automatically generated PRs


    # defaults to "chore: sync files with `owner/repo`"
    format: '<%- prefix %>: <%- subject %>'
    prefix: 'chore'
    subject: 'sync files with `<%- repository %>`'
    # defaults to "files-sync/owner-repo-0"
    format: '<%- prefix %>/<%- repository %>-<%- index %>'
    prefix: 'files-sync'
    disabled: false
    force: true
    title: 'Sync files with `<%- repository %>`'
    body: |
      This PR contains the following updates:

      | :chart_with_upwards_trend: Change | :hammer_and_wrench: Synchronizing Repository | :link: Workflow |
      | :-- | :-- | :-- |
      | <%- changes.length %> files | [<%- repository %>](<%- github %>/<%- repository %>) | [\`<%- workflow %>#<%- run.number %>\`](<%- run.url %>) |


      ### Changed Files

      <%_ for (const file of changes) { -%>
      - <% if (file.from === { %>\`<%- %>\`<% } else { %>\`<%- file.from %>\` to \`<%- %>\`<% }%>
      <%_ } -%>
    reviewers: []
    assignees: []
    labels: []
      mode: disabled
      strategy: merge
      delete_branch: false
      commit: ~


Configure the synchronization pattern for files and directories and the target repositories for synchronization. While inheriting the contents defined in settings, you can customize the commit, branch, and PR settings for each synchronization pattern.

Key Required Type Description
files true Array<string | FileConfig> List of files to synchronize. Supports files and directories.
repositories true Array List of repositories (optionally with target branches) to synchronize the files specified in files.
commit false CommitConfig Various settings related to commits
branch false BranchConfig Various settings related to branches
pull_request false PullRequestConfig Various settings related to automatically generated PRs
template false Record<string, any> Template variables to use for the files specified in files. Disables EJS if not specified


  - files:
      - tsconfig.json # file (simple)
      - from: workflows/ci.yaml # file (details)
        to: .github/workflows/ci.yaml
      - from: shared # directory
        to: shared
          - '*.txt'
      - owner/repo1 # Uses repo1's default branch as the target branch
      - owner/repo2@target # Uses 'target' as the target branch
      - owner/repo3@feature/target # Uses 'feature/target' as the target branch
      prefix: 'build'
        - 'team:team_slug'
        - 'login_name'
        - 'A-build'


Configure the details of the files to synchronize. When synchronizing a directory, you can use exclude to exclude only certain file patterns.

Key Required Type Description
from true string Source file or directory path for synchronization
to true string Destination file or directory path for synchronization
exclude false string[] Glob patterns of files to exclude from the contents of a directory (only valid for directories). Glob patterns use micromatch


Configure the commit contents to use when synchronizing files.

Key Required Type Description
format false string Commit message format. Supports EJS templates
prefix false string Commit message prefix
subject false string Commit message subject. Supports EJS templates

The following template variables are available for various keys:


Key Type Description
prefix string Commit message prefix specified in commit.prefix
subject string Commit message subject specified in commit.subject
repository string Source repository name (the repository where the Action is being executed)
index number Index of the file synchronization pattern


Key Type Description
repository string Source repository name (the repository where the Action is being executed)
index number Index of the file synchronization pattern


Configure the branch to commit to when synchronizing files.

Key Required Type Description
format false string Branch name format. Supports EJS templates
prefix false string Prefix for the branch name

The following template variables are available for various keys:


Key Type Description
prefix string Branch name prefix specified in branch.prefix
repository string Source repository name (the repository where the Action is being executed), encoded in a valid branch name format
index number Index of the file synchronization pattern


Key Required Type Description
disabled false boolean Flag to disable PR when synchronizing files. If disabled, file synchronization will only push without creating a PR
force false boolean Flag to create a commit from base of existing PR and override existing commits. If disabled, the commit is created from head of existing PR and existing commits are not overridden
title false string Title of the automatically generated PR. Supports EJS templates
body false string Content of the automatically generated PR. Supports EJS templates
reviewers false string[] List of reviewers to set for the automatically generated PR. To specify a team as a reviewer, add team: as a prefix to the team slug
assignees false string[] List of assignees to set for the automatically generated PR. Team assignment is not supported
labels false string[] List of labels to set for the automatically generated PR
merge false MergeConfig Various settings related to merging the automatically generated PR

The following template variables are available for various keys:


Key Type Description
repository string Source repository name (the repository where the Action is being executed)
index number Index of the file synchronization pattern


Key Type Description
github string GitHub server URL
repository string Source repository name (the repository where the Action is being executed)
workflow string Name of the Workflow running the Action
run object Object related to the Workflow execution string Execution ID of the Workflow
run.number string Execution number of the Workflow
run.url string URL of the Workflow execution log
changes { from: string; to: string }[] List of changed files
index number Index of the file synchronization pattern


Configure the merge of the automatically generated PR when synchronizing files.

Key Required Type Description
mode false MergeMode The mode under which the PR merge is configured
strategy false MergeStrategy The strategy to use for merging the automatically generated PR
delete_branch false boolean Flag to delete the synchronization branch if the automatically generated PR is successfully merged (ignored if modw is 'auto')
commit false CommitConfig Various settings related to merge commits


Enumerator Description
disabled The PR is not merged
immediate If possible, the PR is merged immediately
auto Same as immediate, but the PR is marked as "auto-merge" if it cannot be immediately merged
admin Same as immediate, but PRs that are blocked due to repo policy are forcefully merged if the provided token has permissions to do so


Enumerator Description
merge Creates a merge commit
rebase Adds all synchronization commits to the target branch without a merge commit
squash Squashes all synchronization commits into one merge commit


files-sync-action is inspired by the following GitHub Actions. Thanks!!


Introducing the steps for developing files-sync-action.


Using a Node.js Version Manager such as asdf or nodenv, activate the version of Node.js written in .node-version.

Next, activate pnpm using corepack, and install the dependent packages.

$ corepack enable pnpm
$ pnpm i

Local Testing

Introducing cases where you want to verify the operation of files-sync-action on your local machine during development.

Create a configuration file for local testing and a script for running tests. These files are excluded from Git management by .gitignore.

$ touch test.yaml test.js

Customize the contents of each created file.


process.env['INPUT_GITHUB_TOKEN'] = '...';
process.env['INPUT_CONFIG_FILE'] = 'test.yaml';
process.env['INPUT_GITHUB_API_URL'] = '';
process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] = '';
process.env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] = 'local/test';
process.env['GITHUB_RUN_ID'] = '0';
process.env['GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER'] = '0';
await import('./dist/index.js');


  - files:
      # ...
      - your/repo

To modify the implementation of files-sync-action and verify it on your local machine, build the script locally and run it using the configuration file created for testing.

$ pnpm build && node test.js


MIT © wadackel

Package Rankings
Top 18.78% on Github actions
Extracted from project README
Build MIT LICENSE code style: prettier semantic-release: angular
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