
A GitHub Action to generate reports that contain all the SSH keys, personal access tokens, GitHub App installations, deploy keys and their respective permissions authorized against a GitHub organization.

MIT License


GitHub Organization Authorization Report Action

A GitHub Action to generate reports that contain all the SSH keys, personal access tokens, GitHub App installations, deploy keys and their respective permissions authorized against a GitHub organization.


The example workflow below runs on a weekly schedule and can also be executed manually using a workflow_dispatch event.

name: Organization Authorization Action

    # Runs on every Sunday at 00:00 UTC
    #        ┌────────────── minute
    #        │ ┌──────────── hour
    #        │ │ ┌────────── day (month)
    #        │ │ │ ┌──────── month
    #        │ │ │ │ ┌────── day (week)
    - cron: '0 0 * * 0'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Get authorization report
        uses: nicklegan/[email protected]
          token: ${{ secrets.ORG_TOKEN }}
        # org: ''
        # app-sort: 'install_id'
        # app-sort-order: 'desc'
        # ssh-sort: 'credential_authorized_at'
        # ssh-sort-order: 'desc'
        # pat-sort: 'credential_authorized_at'
        # pat-sort-order: 'desc'
        # deploy-keys-sort: 'date'
        # deploy-keys-sort-order: 'desc'
        # json: 'false'
        # actor: 'false'

GitHub secrets

Name Value Required
ORG_TOKEN A repo, read:orgscoped Personal Access Token true
ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG true Enables diagnostic logging false

💡 Disable token expiration to avoid failed workflow runs when running on a schedule.

💡 If the organization has SAML SSO enabled, make sure the personal access token is authorized to access the organization.

Action inputs

Name Description Default Location Required
org Organization different than workflow context workflow.yml false
app-sort Sort the GitHub Apps CSV report by column (select column in JSON format) install_id workflow.yml false
app-sort-order Sort the selected CSV column of GitHub Apps in the specified order desc workflow.yml false
ssh-sort Sort the SSH key CSV report by column (select column in JSON format) credential_authorized_at workflow.yml false
ssh-sort-order Sort the selected CSV column of SSH keys in the specified order desc workflow.yml false
pat-sort Sort the Personal Access Token CSV report by column (select column in JSON format) credential_authorized_at workflow.yml false
pat-sort-order Sort the selected CSV column of Personal Access Tokens in the specified order desc workflow.yml false
deploy-keys-sort Sort the Deploy Key CSV report by column (select column in JSON format) date workflow.yml false
deploy-keys-sort-order Sort the selected CSV column of Deploy Keys in the specified order desc workflow.yml false
json Setting to generate an additional report in JSON format false workflow.yml false
actor Organization members installing and adding selected repos to the GitHub App installation (newest first) false workflow.yml false
committer-name The name of the committer that will appear in the Git history github-actions action.yml false
committer-email The committer email that will appear in the Git history [email protected] action.yml false

💡 JSON naming details used for sorting columns in the workflow file are specified below.

💡 The actor flag is set to include organization members responsible for installing and adding selected repos to the GitHub App installation in the report. This feature is experimental as it queries the GitHub audit log which only has a 90 day retention period, after this period the data will become unavailable.

CSV / JSON layout

SSH key report

CSV column JSON Description
Username login Name of the user the SSH key belongs to
Credential Authorized At credential_authorized_at Date the SSH key was first allowed access to the organization
Credential Accessed At credential_accessed_at Date the SSH key was last accessed
Credential Title authorized_credential_title Name of the SSH key

Personal access token report

CSV column JSON Description
Username login Name of the user the token belongs to
Credential Authorized At credential_authorized_at Date the token was first allowed access to the organization
Credential Accessed At credential_accessed_at Date the token was last accessed
Credential Expires At authorized_credential_expires_at Date the token will expire
Authorized Credential Note authorized_credential_note Name of the token
repo repo Full control of private repositories
repo:status repo_status Access commit status
repo:deployment repo_deployment Access deployment status
public_repo public_repo Access public repositories
repo:invite repo_invite Access repository invitations
security_events security_events Read and write security events
workflow workflow Update GitHub Action workflows
write:packages write_packages Upload packages to GitHub Package Registry
read:packages read_packages Download packages from GitHub Package Registry
delete:packages delete_packages Delete packages from GitHub Package Registry
admin:org admin_org Full control of orgs and teams, read and write org projects
write:org write_org Read and write org and team membership, read and write org projects
read:org read_org Read org and team membership, read org projects
admin:public_key admin_public_key Full control of user public keys
write:public_key write_public_key Write user public keys
read:public_key read_public_key Read user public keys
admin:repo_hook admin_repo_hook Full control of repository hooks
write:repo_hook write_repo_hook Write repository hooks
read:repo_hook read_repo_hook Read repository hooks
admin:org_hook admin_org_hook Full control of organization hooks
gist gist Create gists
notifications notifications Access notifications
user user Update ALL user data
read:user read_user Read ALL user profile data
user:email user_email Access user email addresses (read-only)
user:follow user_follow Follow and unfollow users
delete_repo delete_repo Delete repositories
write:discussion write_discussion Read and write team discussions
read:discussion read_discussion Read team discussions
admin:enterprise admin_enterprise Full control of enterprises
manage_runners:enterprise manage_runners_enterprise Manage enterprise runners and runner-groups
manage_billing:enterprise manage_billing_enterprise Read and write enterprise billing data
read:enterprise read_enterprise Read enterprise profile data
site_admin site_admin Access site administrator API endpoints
devtools devtools Access devtools API endpoints
biztools biztools Access biztools API endpoints
codespace codespace Full control of codespaces
codespace:secrets codespace_secrets Ability to create, read, update, and delete codespace secrets
admin:gpg_key admin_gpg_key Full control of public user GPG keys
write:gpg_key write_gpg_key Write public user GPG keys
read:gpg_key read_gpg_key Read public user GPG keys

GitHub App installation report

CSV column JSON Description
GitHub App slug The GitHub App name
Install ID install_id The GitHub App installation ID
App ID app_id The GitHub App ID
Repos repos Shows if the GitHub App installation is enabled for all or selected repos
Created created Shows when the Github App installation was created
Updated updated Shows when the Github App installation was updated
Suspended suspended Shows if and when the Github App installation was suspended
Repo: Actions actions Workflows, workflow runs and artifacts
Repo: Administration administration Repository creation, deletion, settings, teams, and collaborators
Repo: Checks checks Checks on code
Repo: Code scanning alerts security_events View and manage security events like code scanning alerts
Repo: Commit statuses statuses Commit statuses
Repo: Contents contents Repository contents, commits, branches, downloads, releases, and merges
Repo: Dependabot alerts vulnerability_alerts Retrieve Dependabot alerts
Repo: Dependabot secrets dependabot_secrets Manage Dependabot repository secrets
Repo: Deployments deployments Deployments and deployment statuses
Repo: Discussions discussions Discussions and related comments and labels
Repo: Environments environments Manage repository environments
Repo: Issues issues Issues and related comments, assignees, labels, and milestones
Repo: Metadata metadata Search repositories, list collaborators, and access repository metadata
Repo: Packages packages Packages published to the GitHub Package Platform
Repo: Pages pages Retrieve Pages statuses, configuration, and builds, as well as create new builds
Repo: Projects repository_projects Manage repository projects, columns, and cards
Repo: Pull requests pull_requests Pull requests and related comments, assignees, labels, milestones, and merges
Repo: Secret scanning alerts secret_scanning_alerts View and manage secret scanning alerts
Repo: Secrets secrets Manage Actions repository secrets
Repo: Single file single_file Manage just a single file
Repo: Webhooks repository_hooks Manage the post-receive hooks for a repository
Repo: Workflows workflows Update GitHub Action workflow files
Org: Administration organization_administration Manage access to an organization
Org: Blocking users organization_user_blocking View and manage users blocked by the organization
Org: Events organization_events View events triggered by an activity in an organization
Org: Members members Organization members and teams
Org: Dependabot secrets organization_dependabot_secrets Manage Dependabot organization secrets
Org: Plan organization_plan View an organization's plan
Org: Projects organization_projects Manage organization projects and projects beta (where available)
Org: Secrets organization_secrets Manage Actions organization secrets
Org: Self-hosted runners organization_self_hosted_runners View and manage Actions self-hosted runners available to an organization
Org: Team discussions team_discussions Manage team discussions and related comments
Org: Webhooks organization_hooks Manage the post-receive hooks for an organization
Org: Packages organization_packages Manage packages for an organization
Installed by installer Organization members responsible for installing the App
Repos added by repoadder Organization members responsible for adding selected repos to the App installation

Deploy key report

CSV column JSON Description
Repo repo Repository the deploy key was added to
Date Created date Date the deploy key was created
Read Only readOnly Shows if the deploy key has write or read-only permissions
Title title Name of the deploy key

A CSV report file will be saved in the repository reports folder using the following naming format: organization-auth-type.csv.

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Top 21.54% on Github actions
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