
Generate a Kubeconfig or creating & updating K8s Deployments for GitHub Actions

MIT License



The Kubernetes Action Tool is a versatile tool that facilitates interactions with Kubernetes clusters. This action is a wrapper around the kubectl command line tool to make it easier to use in a GitHub Action.

With this Kubernetes Action Tool, you can perform various operations and configurations on Kubernetes clusters by leveraging these parameters. Whether it's updating deployments, managing containers, generating kubeconfig files, or performing other Kubernetes-related tasks, this tool provides flexibility and control over your cluster operations.

This thing is built using Golang and deploy-k8s. 🚀

Input variables

See action.yml for more detailed information.

Parameter Description Required Default Value
server Address of the Kubernetes cluster true -
skip_tls_verify Skip validity check for server certificate (default: false) - false
ca_cert PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates - -
token Kubernetes service account token true -
namespace Kubernetes namespace - -
proxy_url URLs with http, https, and socks5 proxies - -
templates Templates to render, supports glob pattern - -
cluster_name Cluster name (default: "default") - default
authinfo_name AuthInfo name (default: "default") - default
context_name Context name (default: "default") - default
deployment Name of the Kubernetes deployment to update - -
container Name of the container within the deployment to update - -
image New image and tag for the container - -
output Output kubeconfig to file - -
debug Enable debug mode (default: false) - false


Update Deployment

To update a deployment, you can use the following configuration:

- name: Update deployment
  uses: appleboy/kubernetes-action@master
    server: ${{ secrets.K8S_SERVER }}
    ca_cert: ${{ secrets.K8S_CA_CERT }}
    token: ${{ secrets.K8S_TOKEN }}
    namespace: github-action
    templates: example/deployment01.yaml

In the above configuration, the appleboy/kubernetes-action action is used to update the deployment. Here's an explanation of the provided parameters:

  • server: The URL or IP address of the Kubernetes API server.
  • ca_cert: The CA certificate used to authenticate the Kubernetes API server.
  • token: The token used for authentication to the Kubernetes API server.
  • namespace: The namespace where the deployment is located.
  • templates: The path to the deployment file (deployment01.yaml) that contains the updated configuration.

Make sure to replace the placeholders (${{ secrets.K8S_SERVER }}, ${{ secrets.K8S_CA_CERT }}, and ${{ secrets.K8S_TOKEN }}) with the appropriate values or secrets from your environment or repository settings.

By executing this action, the specified deployment file will be used to update the existing deployment in the specified namespace.

Deploy Deployment with Custom Variables

To use custom variables in the template, refer to the following deployment file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: {{ .envs.app_name }}
  namespace: github-action
    app: {{ .envs.app_name }}
      app: {{ .envs.app_name }}
      name: {{ .envs.app_name }}
        app: {{ .envs.app_name }}
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx:1.25.0
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: http
              containerPort: 80
              memory: "64Mi"
              cpu: "250m"
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "500m"

In the above file, you can see the use of {{ .envs.app_name }} variable. To add environment variables, you need to specify a prefix containing INPUT_.

  - name: deploy by variable
    uses: ./
+   env:
+     INPUT_APP_NAME: nginx
      server: ${{ secrets.K8S_SERVER }}
      ca_cert: ${{ secrets.K8S_CA_CERT }}
      token: ${{ secrets.K8S_TOKEN }}
      namespace: github-action
      templates: example/deployment02.yaml

By adding the env section and specifying INPUT_APP_NAME: nginx, you can pass the value of nginx to the {{ .envs.app_name }} variable in the deployment file.

Please note that this assumes you are using a deployment script or workflow that supports environment variables and can replace the placeholders with their corresponding values during deployment.

Update Deployment Container Image

To update a deployment container image, you can use the following configuration:

  - name: Update deployment
    uses: appleboy/kubernetes-action@master
      server: ${{ secrets.K8S_SERVER }}
      ca_cert: ${{ secrets.K8S_CA_CERT }}
      token: ${{ secrets.K8S_TOKEN }}
      namespace: github-action
+     deployment: nginx
+     container: nginx
+     image: nginx:1.24.0

In the above configuration, the appleboy/kubernetes-action action is used to update the deployment's container image. Here's an explanation of the added parameters:

  • deployment: The name of the deployment to update.
  • container: The name of the container within the deployment to update.
  • image: The new image and tag that you want to use for the container.

Make sure to replace the placeholder values (${{ secrets.K8S_SERVER }}, ${{ secrets.K8S_CA_CERT }}, and ${{ secrets.K8S_TOKEN }}) with the appropriate values or secrets from your environment or repository settings. Similarly, replace nginx with the actual names of your deployment and container.

By executing this action, the specified deployment's container image will be updated to the specified version, allowing you to roll out new changes or upgrades to your application.

Generate Kubeconfig file

To generate a kubeconfig file and use it for subsequent Kubernetes operations, you can follow this configuration:

  - name: generate kubeconfig
    uses: ./
      server: ${{ secrets.K8S_SERVER }}
      ca_cert: ${{ secrets.K8S_CA_CERT }}
      token: ${{ secrets.K8S_TOKEN }}
+     output: kubeconfig.yaml

  - name: get pods in github-action namespace
+     KUBECONFIG: kubeconfig.yaml
    run: |
      sudo chmod 644 kubeconfig.yaml
      kubectl get pods -n github-action

In the above configuration, the kubeconfig file is generated using the specified parameters for server address, certificate authority (CA) certificate, and token. Here's an explanation of the added parameter:

  • output: Specifies the output file name for the generated kubeconfig file. In this example, it is set to kubeconfig.yaml.

After generating the kubeconfig file, it can be used to authenticate subsequent kubectl commands. In the next step, the KUBECONFIG environment variable is set to the generated kubeconfig file path (kubeconfig.yaml). This ensures that kubectl uses the generated kubeconfig file for authentication when running the command kubectl get pods -n github-action.

Please note that the sudo chmod 644 kubeconfig.yaml command is included to set the appropriate permissions for the kubeconfig file, allowing it to be readable by the user running the command.

By following this configuration, you can generate a kubeconfig file and use it to perform Kubernetes operations within the specified namespace.

How To Get Kubernetes Server, CA Cert, and Token

To get the Kubernetes server, CA certificate, and token, you can follow these steps:

Run the following command to get the Kubernetes server address:

kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}'

Run the following command to get the Kubernetes CA certificate: (Don't base64 decode)

kubectl config view --raw --minify \
  -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.certificate-authority-data}'

Run the following command to get the Kubernetes token:

kubectl get secret $(kubectl get serviceaccount default \
  -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' \
  | base64 --decode