
Integrate the Bevy engine into existing iOS / Android apps.

MIT License


Bevy in App

Integrate the Bevy engine into existing iOS | Android apps.

If you want to add a mini-game to an existing app, or implement some dynamic UI components, charts ..., or just want to take advantage of the Motion Sensors on your phone for some cool gameplay, you can't use WinitPlugin. Because winit will take over the entire app initialization process and windowing, but we need to create bevy::App in an existing app instance, and we may also want bevy::App to run in an iOS UIView or Android SurfaceView of any size.

This repository implements such a scenario and uses the phone's motion sensor to play breakout mini-games.


Bevy in iOS App Bevy in Android App


# Add iOS target
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios

# Build for iOS target
sh ./ --release

Then, Open iOS/bevy_in_iOS.xcodeproj with Xcode,connect an iOS device and run.


Set up Android environment

Assuming your computer already has Android Studio installed, go to Android Studio > Tools > SDK Manager > Android SDK > SDK Tools. Check the following options for installation and click OK.

  • Android SDK Build-Tools
  • Android SDK Command-line Tools
  • NDK(Side by side)

Then, set two following environment variables:

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
# Replace the NDK version number with the version you installed
export NDK_HOME=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/23.1.7779620

Add build targets

# Since simulator and virtual devices only support GLES,
# `x86_64-linux-android` and `i686-linux-android` targets are not necessary
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android


# Install cargo-so subcommand
cargo install cargo-so

# Build
sh ./ --release

Compatible Bevy versions

Bevy version bevy-in-app version
0.14 dev 0.3
0.11-0.12 0.2
0.10 0.1