
Yeoman generator for angular 1.x with webpack and ES6 classes

MIT License


Generator Angular Components ES6

A Yeoman generator to bootstrap Angular 1.5+ applications with ES6 and Webpack.

Suitable for component-based application structure. Facilitates creation of components tree.


It's a very early version of the generator. Any feedback is welcome.


  • Add component generator
  • Add routing support
  • Add webpack dev server support

Setting up project

  • Install: npm install -g yo generator-angular-components-es6
  • Run: yo angular-components-es6


  • yo angular-components-es6 shows a wizard for generation of a new generator.
  • yo angular-components-es6:component generates new component in your application. Supports nested components. E.g. 'parent/nested' will generate a component with name 'nested' in /app/components/parent directory.

Generated Structure

 ├──app/                                     * source files to be compiled to javascript
 |   ├──components                           * Root directory for your application components
 |   └──%appname%.js                         * entry file for our Angular application
 ├──webpack.config.js                        * webpack config
 └──package.json                             * package.json file

Component Structure

Generated component directory has the following structure

 ├──nestedComponent/                         * Nested component used by this component.
 ├──awesome-component.js                     * Angular module and component registration file. Includes Angular 1.5+ component registration logic.
 ├──awesome-controller.js                    * Angular controller for your component.
 ├──awesome.html                             * Angular template for your component.
 └──awesome.scss                             * Styles for your component

Webpack features

  • Bundles and minifies all javascript and css files.
  • Copies all image files to output folder and gives unique names to images based on content hash.
  • Generates a single sprite images for all images in /app/shared/images/sprite directory.
  • Gives unique names to assets based on its content hash which help busting cache for changed assets.
  • Includes all angular templates into js file and adds them to template cache.
  • Enables LiveReload for dev configuration
