
A Yeoman generator for creating AngularJS project skeleton with set of useful features

MIT License


Generator of AngularJS project skeleton based on Hottowel generator.

The key differences:

  • task for angular files generation (controllers, models, directives etc.)
  • replaced LESS with SASS
  • used decorator which blocks duplicate requests


  1. Install Node.js

  2. Install next NPM modules globally

    npm install -g bower gulp nodemon 
  3. Install Yeoman

    npm install -g yo

Quick Start

  1. Install generator-angularjs-skeleton

    npm install -g generator-angularjs-skeleton
  2. Create a new folder for project and step inside it

    mkdir myapp
    cd myapp
  3. Run the generator

    yo angularjs-skeleton 
  4. Install dependencies

    npm install
  5. Start the project and begin coding

    gulp serve-dev

Project structure

            /core <!-- main module and config files -->
            /routes <!-- route files -->
            /models <!-- factories -->
            /directives <!-- folder with directives -->
            /components <!-- folder with components -->
            /filters <!-- folder with filters -->
            <!-- folders with controllers and corresponding views -->

Gulp tasks

  • gulp generate

    Use gulp tasks listed below to generate your controllers, models, routes etc. easily.

    • gulp generate --controller controller_name - will add folder for controller (if it does not exist) and generate controller with name ControllerNameController
    • gulp generate --model model_name - will add file model_name.model.js to models folder and generate model with name ModelNameModel
    • gulp generate --model route_file_name - will add file route_file_name.route.js to routes folder
    • gulp generate --directive directive_name - will add file directive_name.directive.js to directives folder and generate directive with name directiveName
    • gulp generate --module module_name - - will add folder for module (if it does not exist) and generate module with module name module_name

    You can add --module [module_name] to all generators (except module generator) to attach a file to specified module. By default it will be attached to app.core

  • gulp vet

    Runs jshint and jscs on all javascript files.

  • gulp test

    Runs all unit tests (using Karma runner and next frameworks: mocha, chai and sinon).

  • gulp styles

    Compile scss files to CSS and copy to the build folder

  • gulp serve-dev

    Serves the development code and launches it in a browser. The goal of building for development is to do it as fast as possible, to keep development moving efficiently. This task serves all code from the source folders and compiles sass to css in a temp folder.

  • gulp build

    Copies all fonts, copies images and runs gulp html to build the production code to the build folder.

  • gulp serve-build

    Serve the optimized code from the build folder and launch it in a browser.


  • writing more detailed documentation
  • generator tests implementation
