
Bluetooth Terminal

MIT License



The BluetoothTerminal library is designed for the Arduino framework, providing a simple and efficient way to implement serial-like communication over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on microcontrollers.

Arduino Reference:

Built on top of the ArduinoBLE library, it facilitates seamless bidirectional data exchange between a BLE-enabled Arduino-compatible microcontroller and a central device, such as a smartphone or tablet, using configurable BLE service and characteristic to pass and send messages ending by configurable separator characters (\n by default).

  • Supports sending messages longer than the configured characteristic value size (20 bytes by default) by splitting
    them into chunks and sending with a configurable delay.
  • Abstracts away reception of messages longer than the characteristic value size by using a buffer of configurable
    length (128 bytes by default).
  • Provides flexibility to configure service UUID, characteristic UUID, BLE module name, and other used parameters,
    making it adaptable to various applications.

Whether you're developing an IoT application, a remote control system, or any other project requiring reliable serial-like communication over BLE on Arduino-compatible microcontrollers, this library offers a way to get started quickly.

Note: the implementation utilizes a singleton pattern internally due to the necessity of static methods for configuring ArduinoBLE event handlers. Despite this, the public interface of the class remains consistent with standard class usage, and the library is designed to function correctly with a single instance.

Quick Start

As a proof of concept, you can use the code below with the Web Bluetooth Terminal app in your browser to test serial-like communication over BLE. The sketch below starts sending a Hello, world! message every 5 seconds to the connected central device and outputs messages sent from the device to the terminal.

#include <BluetoothTerminal.h>

BluetoothTerminal bluetoothTerminal;
unsigned long lastMillis = 0;

void handleConnect(BLEDevice device)
  Serial.println("Device connected");

void handleDisconnect(BLEDevice device)
  Serial.println("Device disconnected");

void handleReceive(const char *message)
  Serial.print("Message received: ");

void setup()

void loop()
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis > lastMillis + 5000)
    lastMillis = currentMillis;

    if (bluetoothTerminal.isConnected())
      bluetoothTerminal.send("Hello, world!");




The BluetoothTerminal class is a core component of the library that provides an interface for BLE-based serial communication, handles the connection with the central device, and provides methods to configure BLE and send and receive data.


BluetoothTerminal bluetoothTerminal;

void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void loop()
  // ...
  // ...

void enableDebug()

Enables debug logging. When debug is enabled, the library logs every event (such as handler settings, UUID configuration, and message transmission) into Serial. This is useful for troubleshooting and observing the behavior of the library during development.

Optional; debug is disabled by default.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void disableDebug()

Disables debug logging. When debug is disabled, the library does not log any events into Serial. Use this method to silence debug logging after testing is complete or in production code.

Optional; debug is disabled by default.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void onConnect(std::function<void(BLEDevice)> handler)

Sets a callback function to be invoked when a device connects to the BLE module.


void handleConnect(BLEDevice device)
  Serial.println("Device connected");

void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void onDisconnect(std::function<void(BLEDevice)> handler)

Sets a callback function to be invoked when a device disconnects from the BLE module.


void handleDisconnect(BLEDevice device)
  Serial.println("Device disconnected");

void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void onReceive(std::function<void(const char*)> handler)

Sets a callback function to be invoked when a message ending with the receive separator (\n by default) is received from a connected device.


void handleReceive(const char *message)
  Serial.print("Message received: ");

void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

bool setServiceUuid(const char *uuid)

Sets the BLE service UUID. Returns true on success and false otherwise.

Optional; if not set, the default UUID ffe0 will be used. It should be called before bluetoothTerminal.start(). If used after, the method will have no effect. The service UUID can only be set once, if the method is called again, it will log an error, and the existing service UUID will remain unchanged.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

bool setCharacteristicUuid(const char *uuid)

Sets the BLE characteristic UUID. Returns true on success and false otherwise.

Optional; if not set, the default UUID ffe1 will be used. It should be called before bluetoothTerminal.start(). If used after, the method will have no effect. The characteristic UUID can only be set once, if the method is called again, it will log an error, and the existing characteristic UUID will remain unchanged.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void setCharacteristicValueSize(int size)

Sets the size of the BLE characteristic value in bytes.

Optional; if not set, 20 bytes will be used by default. It should be called before bluetoothTerminal.start(). If used after, the method will have no effect.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

bool setName(const char *name)

Sets the name of the BLE device that is shown when pairing. Returns true on success and false otherwise.

Optional; if not set, the default name Arduino will be visible only after pairing (according to underlying library documentation). It should be called before bluetoothTerminal.start(). If used after, the method will have no effect. The name can only be set once, if the method is called again, it will log an error, and the existing name will remain unchanged.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void setReceiveBufferSize(size_t size)

Sets the size of the buffer used for receiving data. The buffer accumulates received data until the receive separator (\n by default) is detected, indicating the end of a message. The buffer must be large enough to accommodate the entire message, including the separator, before processing. If a message exceeds the buffer size, the oldest data will be discarded to make room for new incoming data, preventing buffer overflow. Setting a buffer size that fits the expected message lengths is essential to avoid unintended data loss.

Optional; if not set, 128 bytes will be used by default. If called in runtime, for example during loop() execution, and there is data in the buffer, it will be discarded.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void setReceiveSeparator(char separator)

Sets the separator character used to identify the end of a received message.

Optional; if not set, \n will be used by default. Can be changed in runtime, for example during loop() execution.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void setSendSeparator(char separator)

Sets the separator character appended to each message sent.

Optional; if not set, \n will be used by default. Can be changed in runtime, for example during loop() execution.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void setSendDelay(int delay)

Sets a delay in milliseconds to wait between sending chunks of a message when the total message length, including the send separator, exceeds the characteristic value size. This delay is useful in cases where some chunks are not received by the central device (the device connecting to the BLE module).

Optional; if not set, no delay will be used by default. Can be changed in runtime, for example during loop() execution.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

bool start()

Initializes and starts the BLE service, making the device discoverable and ready to accept connections. Returns true on success and false otherwise.

It is recommended to call this method after completing all other configurations, such as setting the service UUID, characteristic UUID, device name, and buffer sizes. Once start() is called, changes to these settings will not take effect. Starting the service after configuration ensures that all settings are correctly applied before the BLE service becomes active.


void setup()
  // ...
  // ...

void loop()

Handles BLE events and should be called in the main loop() of your application.


void loop()
  // ...
  // ...

bool isConnected()

Checks if a BLE device is currently connected.


void loop()
  // ...
  if (bluetoothTerminal.isConnected())
    Serial.println("Device is connected!");
    Serial.println("Device is not connected!");
  // ...

bool send(const char *message)

Sends a message over BLE to the connected device. If the message exceeds the characteristic value size, it is split into chunks and sent sequentially with delay if configured. Returns true on success and false otherwise.


void loop()
  // ...
  bluetoothTerminal.send("Hello, world!");
  // ...


When debug is enabled the library logs every event into Serial like this:

[BluetoothTerminal] Debug enabled.
[BluetoothTerminal] The connect handler is set.
[BluetoothTerminal] The disconnect handler is set.
[BluetoothTerminal] The receive handler is set.
[BluetoothTerminal] The service UUID is set to "ffe0".
[BluetoothTerminal] The characteristic UUID is set to "ffe1".
[BluetoothTerminal] The characteristic value size is set to 20 bytes.
[BluetoothTerminal] The name is set to "BluetoothTerminal".
[BluetoothTerminal] The receive buffer size is set to 256 bytes.
[BluetoothTerminal] The receive separator is set to "
[BluetoothTerminal] The send separator is set to "
[BluetoothTerminal] The send delay is set to 100 milliseconds.
[BluetoothTerminal] Starting BLE service... successful.
[BluetoothTerminal] Setting up BLE service and characteristic...
[BluetoothTerminal] BLE service and characteristic were set up.
[BluetoothTerminal] Device (address "bc:d0:74:45:13:36") was connected.
[BluetoothTerminal] Sending message: "Hello, world!"... sent.
[BluetoothTerminal] Device (address "bc:d0:74:45:13:36") has written 14 bytes into the characteristic.
[BluetoothTerminal]   Message received: "Hello, world!".
[BluetoothTerminal] Device (address "bc:d0:74:45:13:36") was disconnected.

When a message is received and it is longer than the receive buffer size (including the receive separator) configured, the oldest data will be discarded with the following debug message:

[BluetoothTerminal] Device (address "bc:d0:74:45:13:36") has written 20 bytes into the characteristic.
[BluetoothTerminal]   Receive buffer overflow, data discarded: "Hello, world!".

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