
This driver library offers a simple access to data transfer using the cc1101 module. It gives access to many configuration options without need to use RFStudio.

MIT License



This driver library offers a simple access to data transfer using the CC1101 module. It gives access to many configuration options without need to use RFStudio.

Basic Function

This library was mainly implemented to efficiently send data from decentral battery powered sensors to a central hub. Howwever it may as well be used for bi-directional communication between several nodes. The maximum amount of data which can be be sent in a single transfer is limited to the size of the internal buffer of the CC1101, leading to a possible payload of 61 bytes. The code was designed to have a small memory footprint and runs fine on an Arduino Pro Mini (ATMega328p). However, for a single caclulation, floating point math is needed, excluding platforms like ATTiny. In a future version, I might re-implement the offending algortihm to integer math tpo remove the restriction. Besides that, no specific platform-dependant code is used and the library should behave well everywhere else (although it is only explicitely testetd on Arduino Pro Mini and ESP8266).


I promise I will add some drawings later on, but for now, I'll stick with the pin numbers - which are standard pins for SPI connections on the boards mentioneed.


If the module lays with the antenna connectors to the top, on the lower connection pins are from left to right:

  • VCC
  • GND
  • COPI (may also be called MOSI)
  • SCK (or SCLK)
  • CIPO (or MISO)
  • GDO2 (unused)
  • GDO0 (unused)
  • CS (or CSN)

[!IMPORTANT] The modules usually support voltages from 1.8V to 3.6V, so please use a level converter when connecting to a 5V CPU board.

Also, be careful when soldering the connections, I have grilled several CC1101 modules...

Processor boards

Arduino Pro Mini (ATMega328p)

  • SCK 13
  • CIPO 12
  • COPI 11
  • CS 10


  • SCK 14
  • CIPO 12
  • COPI 13
  • CS 15


  • SCK 18
  • CIPO 19
  • COPI 23
  • CS 5


  • SCK 13
  • CIPO 12
  • COPI 11
  • CS 10

[!NOTE] ESP32 and (to a limited extent) ESP8266 support custom SPI pinout. If, for some reason, you need a custom pin configurations, you have to edit the library header file directly for the time being. Later versions may support user-specified SPI configurations.


The following code implements a simple sender and is available in the examples folder.

The settings are not limited to the setup() and may be changed anytime in the loop() if needed.

#include <SmartCC1101.h>

void setup() {

  SmartCC1101.init();  // must be called first to initialize the **CC1101**

  if (SmartCC1101.get**CC1101**()) {  // Check the **CC1101** SPI connection.
    Serial.println(F("[I] **CC1101** connected."));
  } else {
    Serial.println(F("[E] *** **CC1101** connection Error ***"));

  SmartCC1101.setSymbolRate(100000);                        // Set the Data Rate to 10kBaud
  SmartCC1101.setManchester(true);                          // Enable Manchester encoding/decoding.
  SmartCC1101.setWhiteData(true);                           // Turn data whitening on.
  SmartCC1101.setCRCCheck(true);                            // CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enabled.

void loop() {

  const char messageText[] = "Hello world!";
  // Send data. Returns when data is actually sent.

  // Wait for a second untill next data sent.

The corresponding receiver (also available in the examples folder):

#include <SmartCC1101.h>

void setup() {

  SmartCC1101.init();  // must be called first to initialize the **CC1101**

  if (SmartCC1101.get**CC1101**()) {  // Check the **CC1101** SPI connection.
    Serial.println(F("[I] **CC1101** connected."));
  } else {
    Serial.println(F("[E] *** **CC1101** connection Error ***"));

  SmartCC1101.setRXBandWitdth(SmartCC1101::bw_812kHz);      // Set the Receive Bandwidth to 812 kHz
  SmartCC1101.setSymbolRate(100000);                        // Set the Data Rate to 10 kBaud
  SmartCC1101.setManchester(true);                          // Enables Manchester encoding/decoding.
  SmartCC1101.setWhiteData(true);                           // Turn data whitening on.
  SmartCC1101.setCRCCheck(true);                            // CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enabled. 

void loop() {
  uint8_t buffer[61]{ 0 };  // buffer for the data received by **CC1101**

  int len = SmartCC1101.receiveData(buffer);  // len will be 0 if nothing is yet received.

  if (len > 0) {
    Serial.println(" bytes received.");

    // check transfer quality parameters
    int8_t RSSI = SmartCC1101.getRSSI();
    bool CRC = SmartCC1101.checkCRC();
    uint8_t LQI = SmartCC1101.getLQI();

    // will try to interpret the buffer received as character array, just make sure it's zero-terminated.
    // if it was actually sent from a character array, this is not necessary
    buffer[len] = 0;

    // check if crc is correct
    if (CRC) {
      Serial.println("CRC ok.");
      Serial.println((char *)buffer);
    } else {
      Serial.println("CRC Error.");
    Serial.println("RSSI: ");
    Serial.print("dB, LQI ");

Function reference

If you need more detailed information, please check the CC1101 data sheet.

Functions in alphabetic order:

bool checkCRC(void) Check if CRC is correct. Returns true if CRCs match in last transmission. Only meaningful after data is received via receiveData().

bool getCC1101(void) checks for the presence of a CC1101 module on the SPI bus.

uint8_t getLQI(void) Link Quality Indicator. The Link Quality Indicator is a metric of the current quality of the received signal (smaller is better). When called after data is received via receiveData(). LQI corresponds to the data received. If called intermittently, returns the current link quality.

int8_t getRSSI(void) Received Signal Strength Indicator. The value is the estimated signal strength in dBm. When called after data is received via receiveData(). RSSI corresponds to the data received. If called intermittently, returns the current signal strength.

void init(void) must be called prior to using any other function. Will establish the necessary setup of the CC1101 chip. Only exception: getCC1101() may be called prior to init().

uint8_t receiveData(uint8_t *rxBuffer) Check if data is received and copy it to rxBuffer. Returns 0 if no data is received yet, transmission is in progress or CRC wrong and void setCRC_AF(true). If data was received, setRX()must be called again.

void sendData(const char *txBuffer) Sends the zero-terminated character string pointed to. Will return when data is sent. Must be max 61 characters including the trailing 0.

void sendData(const uint8_t *txBuffer, uint8_t size) Sends size bytes pointed to by txBuffer. Must be max. 61 bytes.

void setAddr(uint8_t addr) On TX, sets the address of the package to be sent. On RX, determines from which address are acceptes if address check is enabled with setAddrCheck.

void setAdrChk(AddressCheck adc) Controls address check for received packages.

Value Address check configuration
adc_NO No address check (default)
adc_YESNOBC Address check, no broadcast
adc_YES0BC Address check and 0 (0x00) broadcast
adc_YES0FFBC Address check and 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF) broadcast

void setCarrierFrequency(uint32_t freq) Set tranmsision frequency in Hz. Default = 868.35 MHz). The CC1101 can use the frequenciy ranges 300-348 MHZ, 387-464 MHZ and 779-928 MHZ.

[!WARNING] Please respect local regulations.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match sender and receiver.

[!NOTE] The effective carrier frequencies are quantized, the function will set it to the next possible lower value.

void setCRCCheck(bool crcc) On TX, enables CRC to be added to the payload. On RX, will calculate the CRC of received data and compare with CRC transmitted. Defaults to false.

void setCRC_AF(bool af) Autoflushes RX buffer if CRC check fails (if setCRCCheck(true)). Has no effect if setCRCCheck(false).

void setDCFilterOff(bool dcf) Disable digital DC blocking filter before demodulator. Only for data rates 250 kBaud. The recommended IF frequency changes when the DC blocking is disabled. true = Disable (current optimized), false = Enable (better sensitivity).

void setDelayFunction(void delayFunc(uint8_t)) The function supplied will be called repeatedly while waiting from the transmission to finish in sendData(). It must support a single parameter of type uint8_t, which is the delay in ms. If not set, delay() will be called. Should be needed only in very special caeses.

void setDeviation(uint32_t deviation) Set the frequency deviation in Hz. Possible values from 1586 to 380850. Default is 47607 Hz.

[!NOTE] the effective deviation values are quantized and algorithm rounds down. Using the exact interval limits, the next lower value might be taken (e.g. for 47607, you must actually specify 47608).

void setFEC(bool fec) Enable forward error correction. Only supported in fixed packet length mode (PacketLengthConfig(pktl_FIXED)) and setCRCCheck(true).

void setManchester(bool menc) Enable Manchester encoding. Defaults to false.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match sender and receiver.

void setModulation(Modulation m) Set modulation mode. I nearly exclusively use 2FSK modulation.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match sender and receiver.

Value Modulation
mod_2FSK 2FSK modulation (default)
mod_GFSK GFSK modulation
mod_ASKOOK ASK/OOK modulation (untested)
mod_4FSK 4FSK modulation
mod_MSK MFSK modulation

void setLengthConfig(PacketLengthConfig pktl) From the different options the CC11101 supports in hardware, only the following two options are imlemented in this driver:

Value Packet length configuration
pktl_FIXED fixed packet length as configured by setLengthConfig()
pktl_VARIABLE Variable packet length

void setPA(int8_t pa) Set TXPower in dB. The following settings are possible depending on the frequency band: -30, -20, -15, -10, -6, 0, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12. Default is max.

[!WARNING] Please respect local regulations.

[!NOTE] The effective PA values are quantized, the function will set it to the next possible lower value.

void setPacketLength(uint8_t len) Packet lentgh when setLengthConfig(pktl_FIXED). On variable packet length, configures maximum packet length (optional). Defaults to 0.

void setPktFormat(PacketFormat pktf) Although the CC1101 supports different packet formats, only "normal" and RANDOM_TX are supported.

Value Packet format
pktf_NORMAL Normal mode, use FIFOs for RX and TX (default)
pktf_RANDOMTX sends random data using PN9 generator. Used for test. Works as normal mode, setting 0 (00) in RX

void setPRE(preamble_Bytes pre) When enabling TX, the modulator will start transmitting the preamble. When the programmed number of preamble bytes has been transmitted, the modulator will send the sync word and then data from the TX FIFO.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match sender and receiver.

Value Preamble Bytes
pre_2 2 preamble bytes
pre_3 3 preamble bytes
pre_4 4 preamble bytes (default)
pre_6 6 preamble bytes
pre_8 8 preamble bytes
pre_12 12 preamble bytes
pre_16 16 preamble bytes
pre_24 = / 24 preamble bytes

void setPQT(uint8_t pqt) The preamble quality estimator increases an internal counter by one each time a bit is received that is different from the previous bit, and decreases the counter by eight each time a bit is received that is the same as the last bit. A threshold of 4PQT for this counter is used to gate sync word detection. By setting the value to zero, the preamble quality qualifier of the sync word is disabled. Defaults to 0.

void setRX(void) Set the CC1101 to RX mode. Repeated calls do not have any effect, unless data was received in the meantime. If the internal buffer is not read via receiveData(), the data is lost.

void setRXBandWitdth(rx_BandWidth bw) Set the Receive Bandwidth. Value can be cosen from predefined list of values:

Bandwidth Value
58 KHz bw_58kHz
68 kHz bw_68kHz
81 kHz bw_81kHz
102 kHz bw_102kHz
116 kHz bw_116kHz
135 kHz bw_135kHz
203 kHz bw_203kHz (default)
232 kHz bw_232kHz
270 kHz bw_270kHz
325 kHz bw_325kHz
406 kHz bw_406kHz
464 kHz bw_464kHz
541 kHz bw_541kHz
650 kHz bw_650kHz
812 kHz bw_812kHz

void setSymbolRate(double symbolRate) Data transmission rate in baud. Value from 20 to 1621830 Default is 115051 Baud.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match on sender and receiver.

[!NOTE] The effective symbol rates are quantized, the function will set it to the next possible lower value.

void setSyncMode(sync_Mode syncm) Combined sync-word qualifier mode. The hardware supports carrier sense with abolute and relative thresholds as well, but this is not implemented.

[!IMPORTANT] sync_3032 enables duplicate transmission of the sync word in TX. This must match the setting in RX, so chose sync_3032 here as well.

Value Sync-Mode
sync_NONE No preamble/sync
sync_1516 15/16 sync word bits detected
sync_1616 16/16 sync word bits detected (default)
sync_3032 30/32 sync word bits detected

void setSyncWord(uint8_t sh, uint8_t sl) If sync-word detection is enabled via setSyncMode,the CC1101 will not start filling the RX FIFO unless a valid sync word is detected.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match on sender and receiver.

void setWhiteData(bool white) Enable data whitening. Defaults to false.

[!IMPORTANT] Must match on sender and receiver.

void sleep(void) Sets the CC1101 to sleep mode, reducing power consumption. The next access will wake the chip up again, no special procedure is needed.