
A tool to convert Markdown files into formatted PDFs

MIT License



Libris is a Markdown to PDF conversion tool that collates multiple Markdown files into a single PDF.


  • Linux or Windows with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • If anyone figures out how to get Weasyprint working with Windows, that'd be great. Otherwise, the answer is WSL.
  • Python 3.6+

Debian/Linux Setup

  • Run sudo apt update
  • Run sudo apt install python3-pip
  • Run `sudo apt install libpangocairo-1.0-0
  • Install the module using pip install libris

Basic Usage

  • Create your markdown file sources
  • Create any CSS you wish to apply to your Markdown output
  • Create a configuration file.
    • See config documentation for details.
    • If you set the $schema property of your configuration object to point to, you will get auto-complete in any IDE or text editor that supports JSON Schema validation.
  • Run libris <CONFIG_FILE_PATH>
  • Check the resulting PDF output!

Detailed Documentation

Docker Setup

  • Have Docker installed
  • Run docker build -t libris .
  • Run docker run -it --name libris libris bash

Known Issues

  • The watch feature will not work on WSL due to how WSL interacts with the mounted Windows file system (it can't access low-level Windows file event hooks). To get a similar effect on Windows, I suggest using watchmedo and writing a batch file for your specific use case that runs the libris command in WSL.

Command Options

usage: libris [-h] [-w] [-v] config_file

Builds a PDF from a JSON configuration file that points to various Markdown source files.

positional arguments:
  config_file    A JSON file that specifies how to build the PDF. View the full docs for details.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -w, --watch         Watch the source files and re-compile on changes.
  -v, --verbose       Prints additional logging data, including intermediate HTML.
  -n, --no-validation Skips JSON validation. Use this if you are getting URL resolution errors.

Folder Structure

Path Description
libris Libris program package folder
libris/json-schemas JSON schemas to validate configuration files
libris/lib Supporting functions and classes
libris/example Example markdown, CSS, and configuration file
libris/scripts Shell script installed on running pip install

Folder Structure With Files

Path Description
.gitattributes Git attributes file
.gitignore Git ignore file
.pylintrc Linting rules
config-docs.MD Documentation for config files
requirements.txt Python requirements list Package setup file for pip
libris (folder) Libris program package folder
libris/ Module init file
libris/ Main program entry point
libris/json-schemas (folder) JSON schemas to validate configuration files
libris/json-schemas/config-schema.json JSON schema for overall configuration file
libris/json-schemas/decorator-schema.json JSON schema for decorator data
libris/json-schemas/source-schema.json JSON schema for individual markdown source data
libris/json-schemas/sources-schema.json JSON schema for markdown sources list
libris/json-schemas/style-schema.json JSON schema for individual CSS style
libris/json-schemas/styles-schema.json JSON schema for CSS styles list
libris/lib (folder) Supporting functions and classes
libris/lib/ Program constants
libris/lib/ Functions that extract data from files
libris/lib/ Functions that construct the PDF output
libris/lib/ Functions that support the file watch feature
libris/lib/ Module init file
example (folder) Example markdown, CSS, and configuration file
example/advanced-style.css Example CSS stylesheet
example/basic-style.css Example CSS stylesheet
example/ Example markdown
example/ Example markdown
example/ Example markdown
example/example-config.json Example libris configuration file
scripts (folder) Folder for shell script installed on running pip install
scripts/libris Shell script installed on running pip install


  • python3 -m build
  • python3 -m twine upload dist/*
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