
Effortless SEO for Astro with @zfben/astro-head

MIT License


Effortless SEO for Astro with @zfben/astro-head

Managing SEO for your Astro website just got easier with @zfben/astro-head. This package simplifies the process of adding essential meta tags and open graph/twitter meta data to your Astro components, boosting your website's search engine visibility.

Key Features

  • Simplified Integration: Seamlessly integrate SEO elements directly within your Astro components. No complex configurations needed!
  • Automated Meta Generation: Automatically generate open graph and twitter meta tags, saving you time and ensuring consistent data across your site.
  • Leverages Astro Configuration: Utilizes your existing site settings in astro.config.js to automatically generate accurate URLs within meta tags.

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Install the package using npm: npm install @zfben/astro-head
  2. Configuration: Ensure you have a site property defined within your astro.config.js file. This provides the base URL for your website.
  3. Import and Usage: Import the Head component from the package and use it within your Astro components:
import { Head } from "@zfben/astro-head";

      title="Hello world"

Supported Props

Prop Output Format
title title, og:title, twitter:title string, required
path canonical, url, og:url, twitter:url string, required, must be started with /
type og:type string, default is website
charset charset string, default is utf-8
lang og:locale string
description description, og:description, twitter:description string
image image, og:image, twitter:image string
siteName og:site_name string
author author, article:author string
twitter twitter:site, twitter:creator string, must be started with @
twitterCard twitter:card string, one of summary
alternates alternate, og:locale:alternate lang, path and default list
ga Google Analytics' tracking code string, must be started with G-
clarity Clarity's tracking code string
scp Content Security Policy string, default is default-src 'self'; img-src https://*; child-src 'none';
