
Asto component for rendering Sanity images in picture element



An astro component for rendering a responsive <picture> element for an image fetched from Sanity. It will generate the element with a set of image sources for optimised resolutions and formats, using sanity's image API to serve the optimised images.


Minimal example:

import SanityPicture from "astro-sanity-picture";

    sizes="(min-width:768px) 50vw, 100vw"

Defaults can be set for all picture components

import SanityPicture, {  setSanityPictureDefaults} from "astro-sanity-picture";

setSanityPictureDefaults({ imageUrlBuilder: myImageUrlBuilder })
    sizes="(min-width:768px) 50vw, 100vw"

Attributes of the <img /> element displayed inside the picture can be set using the img property.

import SanityPicture, {  setSanityPictureDefaults} from "astro-sanity-picture";

setSanityPictureDefaults({ imageUrlBuilder: myImageUrlBuilder })
    img={{style: {objectFit: 'cover'}}}

In this example, we are stating that image is to be displayed at half the page width when the page is >= 768px, and at the whole page width otherwise. The browser will then select the source that is appropriate for the image sizing, whether it is 50vw or 100vw.

Fetching the image from groq

The component will work with images fetched from a simple groq query without fetching any image metadata, eg

const query = groq`*[_id == 'homePage'][0] {

However it is able to optimize the generated source sets to be smaller than the original image, and use a low quality placeholder, when the image is fetched with metadata. To help with this, you can use the picture function provided:

import { picture } from 'astro-sanity-picture/query'

const query = groq`*[_id == 'homePage'][0] {

Component options

  • imageUrlBuilder?: ImageUrlBuilder - An instance of sanity image url builder to use. If default is set, may be omitted
  • src: SanityImageSource - The image to display, as a property from a groq query
  • sizes: string - Sizes attribute to apply to each source element, unless overriden. You will want to specify this, eg 50vw, to ensure the correct resolution of source image is chosen
  • sources?: PictureSource[] - Each PictureSource object in the list informs the generation of a <source /> element for each of the widths generated by the widths property. PictureSource properties are:
    • options?: Partial<ImageUrlBuilderOptionsWithAliases> - Options for the sanity image url builder to apply to this source
      withWebp?: boolean - whether to include a mirrored source in webp format. Default setting is true
    • ...attributes?: Omit<SourceAttributes, "srcset"> - All other attributes that apply to the <source> element. Often you will want to set media and sizes, as in standard usage of the <picture> tag.
      • media?: string - CSS @media rule that determines when this source applies
      • sizes?: string; - comma seperated list of rule - width pairings. Overrides the tag-level sizes attribute
  • widths?: number[] | AutoWidths - Specifies how to calculate widths for <source /> elements. You may either specify a list of widths to use, or a an AutoWidths type which declares how to automatically determine the widths.
  • img?: Omit<ImgAttributes, "src"> - Attributes to apply to the base <img /> element in the picture
  • lqip?: Lqip - Options for inserting a low quality image placeholder (lqip) as the background image of the element;
    • enabled: boolean - Whether to use lqip
    • transitionDuration: number - Duration in which to fade in final image once loaded
  • ...attributes - PictureAttributes - Additional attributes to apply to the <picture /> element;


  • autowidths:
  maxWidth: 3840,
  step: 320,
  • withWebp: true
  • img: loading: "lazy"
  • lqip: { enabled: true, transitionDuration: 350 }