
A site for accepting orders and stripe payments for digital items.

MIT License


A simple site for selling a digital product using Astro.build, Stripe, SolidJS, Supabase, and Cloudflare.

Live site: https://cat.datagrove.com



We wanted to use some of the newest open source tools to build a free to start internet sales channel.

Most of the solutions we found involved added cost solution providers, so we built this.


Clone the respository

Run npm install

To run locally run npm run dev


Stripe Account Setup

Create a stripe account at https://dashboard.stripe.com/register

When asked for your business profile choose "Skip for now", this will create an account where only test mode is active.

On the Home page you can access your publishable and secret keys. You api keys are also available on the developers page.

BE SURE NOT TO COMMIT YOUR SECRET KEY TO GIT. You can add .env* to your .gitignore file locally to prevent your keys from being committed

To run the site locally add a .env file to the root of your project using the format in sample_env.md.

Use your stripe keys to replace the XXX values in 
PUBLIC_STRIPE_API (Use your publishable key) and 
PRIVATE_STRIPE_API (Use your secret key)

Create a product on the products dashboard.

Get the Price API ID and use that in the in checkout.ts so that your checkout session has the correct item/price.

To run test payments that result in a "success" use the following test info (more information available in Stripe documentation)

Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration: 12/34
CVV: 999

Supabase Setup

Sign up for a Supabase Account at https://app.supabase.com/sign-up

On the dashboard create a new project.

Get the project anon public API key and project URL from the setup page or from the API menu (Settings>API).

To run the site locally add the anon public key to your .env file created in the Stripe Setup Step

Use your Supabase values to replace the XXX value in
anon_key (Use the anon public key)
API_URL (Use your Supabase Project URL)

Create tables for your project, you can adjust these as needed for the information you need in your tables. Adjust the subabaseSubmit.ts to send information to your specific tables and fields.

Cloudflare Hosting

Create a cloudflare pages project linked to your git repository for your project.

If you don't have a cloudflare account see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTc2CTYoszY

If deploying from git:

Build Command: npm run build
Build Directory: /dist

Set up your environment secrets on your pages project by going to Settings > Environment Variables

For security encrypt your private variables

Stripe Webhook Setup

This waits for the successful stripe payment to update the status of the paid field in the supabase database


On your stripe dashboard go to Developers > Webhooks > Test in a local environment

Follow the instructions for setting up your local webhook. The default server port for this application is 3000 (not 4242)

Make sure to put your endpoint secret in your .env file. DO NOT COMMIT THIS TO GIT!

Replace the XXX value in PRIVATE_STRIPE_ENDPOINT with your endpoint secret whsec...


On your stripe dashboard go Developers > Webhooks > Add an Endpoint

Enter the cloudflare url of your pages deployment

Select events you want to listen for or simply choose all events

Click Add Endpoint

Reveal your signing secret and add this to your cloudflare environment variables (recommend encrypting)


This project uses the following open source packages: