
A terraform module for creating an AWS VPC.

MIT License



A Terraform module for creating an AWS VPC with options to create public and private subnets, NAT gateways, and Internet gateways.


Minimal Usage

module "vpc" {
  source      = "https://github.com/TerraformToolbox/terraform-aws-vpc"
  region      = "us-west-2"
  cidr_block  = ""
  vpc_name    = "my-vpc"

All Options

module "vpc" {
  source = "https://github.com/TerraformToolbox/terraform-aws-vpc"

  region                        = "us-west-2"
  cidr_block                    = ""
  enable_dns_support            = true
  enable_dns_hostnames          = true
  instance_tenancy              = "default"
  vpc_name                      = "my-vpc"
  tags                          = { "Environment" = "dev" }

  create_subnets                = true
  create_internet_gateway       = true
  create_nat_gateway            = true
  public_subnet_cidrs           = ["", ""]
  private_subnet_cidrs          = ["", ""]

  endpoints                     = ["com.amazonaws.us-west-2.s3", "com.amazonaws.us-west-2.dynamodb"]
  endpoints_private_dns_enabled = [true, false]
  endpoints_security_group_ids  = [["sg-12345678"], ["sg-87654321"]]
  endpoints_subnet_ids          = [["subnet-1234abcd"], ["subnet-abcd1234"]]
  endpoints_type                = ["Gateway", "Interface"]


  • region: AWS region
  • cidr_block: CIDR block for the VPC
  • enable_dns_support: Enable DNS support in the VPC
  • enable_dns_hostnames: Enable DNS hostnames in the VPC
  • instance_tenancy: Tenancy option for instances launched into the VPC
  • vpc_name: Name of the VPC
  • tags: A map of tags to add to all resources
  • endpoints: List of VPC endpoints
  • endpoints_private_dns_enabled: List of private DNS enabled for endpoints
  • endpoints_security_group_ids: List of security group IDs for endpoints
  • endpoints_subnet_ids: List of subnet IDs for endpoints
  • endpoints_type: List of endpoint types
  • create_subnets: Flag to create subnets automatically
  • create_internet_gateway: Flag to create an Internet Gateway
  • create_nat_gateway: Flag to create NAT Gateway
  • public_subnet_cidrs: List of public subnet CIDR blocks if manually creating subnets
  • private_subnet_cidrs: List of private subnet CIDR blocks if manually creating subnets


  • vpc_id: The ID of the VPC
  • vpc_arn: The ARN of the VPC
  • vpc_cidr_block: The CIDR block of the VPC
  • vpc_default_network_acl_id: The ID of the default network ACL
  • vpc_default_route_table_id: The ID of the default route table
  • vpc_default_security_group_id: The ID of the default security group
  • vpc_main_route_table_id: The ID of the main route table
  • public_subnet_ids: The IDs of the public subnets
  • public_subnet_cidr_blocks: The CIDR blocks of the public subnets
  • private_subnet_ids: The IDs of the private subnets
  • private_subnet_cidr_blocks: The CIDR blocks of the private subnets
  • internet_gateway_id: The ID of the Internet Gateway
  • nat_gateway_ids: The IDs of the NAT Gateways
  • nat_gateway_ips: The Elastic IPs of the NAT Gateways
  • public_route_table_id: The ID of the public route table
  • private_route_table_id: The ID of the private route table
  • vpc_endpoints: The IDs of the VPC endpoints
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