
Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container Sample

MIT License


Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container Sample

This repo contains the sample for running the Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container

Support SHIR version: 5.0 or later

For more information about Azure Data Factory, see


  1. Prepare Windows for containers
  2. Build the Windows container image in the project folder
> docker build . -t <image-name> [--build-arg="INSTALL_JDK=true"]

Arguments list

Name Necessity Default Description
INSTALL_JDK Optional false The flag to install Microsoft's JDK 11 LTS.
  1. Run the container with specific arguments by passing environment variables
> docker run -d -e AUTH_KEY=<ir-authentication-key> \
    [-e NODE_NAME=<ir-node-name>] \
    [-e ENABLE_HA={true|false}] \
    [-e HA_PORT=<port>] \
    [-e ENABLE_AE={true|false}] \
    [-e AE_TIME=<expiration-time-in-seconds>] \
    [-e TZ=<time-zone-name>] \

Arguments list

Name Necessity Default Description
AUTH_KEY Required The authentication key for the self-hosted integration runtime.
NODE_NAME Optional hostname The specified name of the node.
ENABLE_HA Optional false The flag to enable high availability and scalability. It supports up to 4 nodes registered to the same IR when HA is enabled, otherwise only 1 is allowed. If set to true and in a kubernetes cluster - consider setting spec.template.spec.dnsConfig.searches to service.namespace.svc.cluster.local to allow intra-pod communications
HA_PORT Optional 8060 The port to set up a high availability cluster.
ENABLE_AE Optional false The flag to enable offline nodes auto-expiration. If enabled, the node will be marked as expired when it has been offline for timeout duration defined by AE_TIME.
AE_TIME Optional 600 The expiration timeout duration for offline nodes in seconds. Should be no less than 600 (10 minutes).
TZ Optional UTC Valid values can be found as Id from the command Get-TimeZone -List


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