
A fast, clean, customisable shell prompt for zsh, bash, fish, and more...

MIT License


🧭 bearings

A fast, clean, super-customisable shell prompt.

  • Supports zsh, bash, fish, and more.
  • Easily write your own modules using any language.
  • Simple configuration with YAML - works out of the box with a sensible default configuration too.

Examples Gallery

Feel free to PR your own screenshots onto this list!


You can download the latest binaries here. Make sure you chmod +x the binary and place it somewhere in your PATH. Then follow the instructions for your shell below.

It is recommended to install font(s) which include powerline characters, especially nerd-fonts.


Automatic (recommended)

You can automatically configure your shell by running bearings install. This will modify your shell configuration files in order to set bearings as your PS1 generator. For advanced configurations (e.g. templated dotfiles), you should use the manual methods below. It's always a good idea to back up your config files first!

If you'd like to install bearings to a shell other than the one you're using, you can specify it with the -s/--shell flag, e.g. bearings install -s fish.


function preexec() {
  if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
    btimer=$(($(date +%s)*1000))
    btimer=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
function configure_bearings() {
    if [ $btimer ]; then
      if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
        now=$(($(date +%s)*1000))
        now=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
      unset btimer
    PROMPT="$(bearings prompt -s zsh -e ${last} -d ${elapsed} -j $(jobs | wc -l))"
[ ! "$TERM" = "linux" ] && precmd_functions+=(configure_bearings)


if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
    PS0='$(echo "$(($(date +%s)*1000))" > /tmp/bearings.$$)';
    PS0='$(echo "$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))" > /tmp/bearings.$$)';
bearings_prompt() { 
    if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
        NOW=$(($(date +%s)*1000))
        NOW=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
    [[ -f /tmp/bearings.$$ ]] && START=$(cat /tmp/bearings.$$) && rm /tmp/bearings.$$
    DURATION=$(($NOW - $START));
    export PS1=$(bearings prompt -s bash -e $? -d $DURATION -j $(jobs -p | wc -l)); 
[[ ! "$TERM" = "linux" ]] && export PROMPT_COMMAND=bearings_prompt


function fish_prompt
    bearings prompt -s fish -e $status -d $CMD_DURATION -j (count (jobs -p))


The config file is read from ~/.config/bearings/config.yml. You can create a default config file by running bearings prompt for the first time.

For completeness, here is the default config file:

padding: 1
end: divider: fg: white
bg: black
lines_above: 1
- type: exitcode
  failure_bg: '#bb4444'
  failure_fg: '#ffffff'
  show_success: true
  success_bg: '#000000'
  success_fg: '#ffffff'
  success_output: - type: duration
  bg: '#ffffff'
  fg: '#334488'
  threshold: 3s
- type: cwd
  bg: '#334488'
  fg: '#aaaaaa'
  label:  %s
  max_depth: 3
- type: git
  bg: '#393939'
  fg: '#777777'

You can find example configurations with screenshots for each in the examples directory.

Property Default Description
padding 1 Number of spaces before and after each module. Can be overriden on a per-module basis.
end  (powerline character) The string to render at the end (right) of the prompt.
divider  (powerline character) The string to render between modules. Can be overriden on a per-module basis.
fg white Default foreground colour for all modules. Can be overridden on a per-module basis.
bg black Default background colour for all modules. Can be overridden on a per-module basis.
lines_above 1 Number of blank lines to render above the prompt.
modules exitcode, cwd, git A list of modules and their configurations.

Colours can be specified in hexadecimal, e.g. #ffffff. You can also refer to your terminal colour scheme colours using default (for default fg/bg), red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, black, lightred, lightgreen, lightyellow, lightblue, lightmagenta, lightcyan, lightwhite, lightblack

All modules support the following options:

Property Default Description
label %s Text to render alongside the module output. Use %s as the placeholder for the module content.
fg inherits from top-level fg Module foreground colour.
bg inherits from top-level bg Module background colour.
padding_before inherits from top-level padding Number of spaces to output before the module content.
padding_after inherits from top-level padding Number of spaces to output after the module content.
divider inherits from top-level divider Divider string to output after the module, to separate it fro mthe next module. If there is no next module, will not be shown.
bold false Turns on bold text.
italic false Turns on italic text.
faint false Turns on faint text.
underline false Turns on underlined text.

Available Modules

Current Working Directory (cwd)

Show the current working directory.

Property Default Description
max_depth 0 The maximum number of directories to render in the path. If this number is exceeded, the output will be truncated to show ... followed by the lowest max_depth number of directories.
separator The string to separate directories with.
separator_fg inherits from module fg Foreground colour of the separator.
deep_prefix Output to prefix the path with when the max depth is reached.
home_text ~ Text to represent home directory.
separator_at_start false Show the separator at the start of the path.

Exit Code (exitcode)

Show the exit code of the previous command. By default will only show when the command fails, but can also show a success icon/message.

Property Default Description
show_success false Show the module when the previous command succeeded (exit code zero).
success_bg inherits from bg, top-level bg Background colour for the module when the previous command succeeded.
failure_bg inherits from bg, top-level bg Background colour for the module when the previous command failed.
success_fg green Foreaground colour for the module when the previous command succeeded.
failure_fg red Foreground colour for the module when the previous command failed.
success_output Output for the module when the previous command succeeded.
failure_output Output for the module when the previous command failed.

Git Overview (git)

Show an overview of the current git status. Displays the branch name, a set of possible icons, and the number of commits ahead/behind of the base branch.

Property Default Description
icon_stashed S The icon/text to display when stashed changes are available.
icon_untracked ? The icon/text to display when untracked files are present.
icon_modified M The icon/text to display when tracked files are modified.
icon_staged A The icon/text to display when changes are staged.
icon_conflicts ! The icon/text to display when conflicts are present.
clean_bg inherit Background colour when there are no changes.
clean_fg inherit Foreground colour when there are no changes.
dirty_bg inherit Background colour when there are changes.
dirty_fg inherit Foreground colour when there are changes.

Command (command)

Run a shell command and use the combined output streams as the module output.

Property Default Description
command none The shell command to run.


Shows the duration of the previous shell command. Can be configured to only show duration when over a certain threshold.

Property Default Description
threshold 3s Show duration when over this threshold.


Shows the number of background jobs (if > 0).

Hostname (hostname)

Show the current hostname.


Show icons for discovered languages/technologies in the current directory.

Property Default Description
separator The separator between the icons.

New line (newline)

Output a single new line. Before/after padding values default to 0 for convenience.

Text (text)

Output the specified text.

Property Default Description
text none The text to output.

Username (username)

Show the current username.