
📍A shell agnostic git prompt written in Go

APACHE-2.0 License


📍 git-prompt-string

git-prompt-string is a shell agnostic git prompt written in Go. git-prompt-string provides information about the current git branch and is inspired by

[!NOTE] Looking for bgps? git-prompt-string is the successor of bgps. bgps is still available on the tag v0.0.1

ðŸ“Ķ Installation

homebrew tap

brew install mikesmithgh/homebrew-git-prompt-string/git-prompt-string

go install

go install 


  1. Download pre-compiled binary from releases.
  2. If you are on MacOS, run xattr -c git-prompt-string*.tar.gz to avoid "unknown developer" warning
  3. Extract the tar.gz or zip file
  4. Move git-prompt-string to a file location that is in your PATH environment variable
  5. Run git-prompt-string --version

Example manually downloading via curl on MacOS

curl -L -o git-prompt-string.tar.gz
xattr -c git-prompt-string.tar.gz
tar xzvf git-prompt-string.tar.gz
mv git-prompt-string "$HOME/bin" # replace with your preferred directory that is in PATH

🛠ïļ Setup

Prompt configuration

See the following for examples for a reference on how you could add git-prompt-string to your prompt.


PS1='\[\n\e[0;33m\w\e[0m$(git-prompt-string)\n\e[0;32mbash \e[0;36m\$\e[0m \]'


autoload -U colors && colors
PROMPT=$'\n%{$fg[yellow]%}%~%{$reset_color%}$(git-prompt-string)\n%{$fg[green]%}zsh %{$fg[cyan]%}%#%{$reset_color%} '


set -U fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0
function fish_prompt
  set -l symbol ' $ '
  if fish_is_root_user
      set symbol ' # '

  printf '\n%s%s%s%s\n%s%sfish%s%s%s' \
  (set_color yellow) (prompt_pwd) (set_color normal) (git-prompt-string) \
  (set_color green) (set_color blue) (set_color cyan) $symbol (set_color normal)


function prompt {
    $ESC = [char]27
    $w = $pwd.Path.Replace($env:USER_PROFILE, "~").Replace($env:HOME, "~")
    return "`n$ESC[0;33m$w$ESC[0m$(git-prompt-string)`n$ESC[0;32mPS $ESC[0;36m>$ESC[0m "


    $" (ansi cyan)>(ansi reset) "
$env.PROMPT_COMMAND = { ||
    $"\n(ansi yellow)($env.PWD | str replace $"($env.HOME)" '~')(git-prompt-string)\n(ansi green)nushell"


Starship will hide custom commands that fail with a non-zero exit code. To prevent this, add || : or your shell's equvilent command to always return a zero exit code. It is recommended to always return successfully so that error messages are displayed.

"$schema" = ''

format = """
[starship](green) \
[\\$](cyan) \

command = "git-prompt-string || :"
when = true

format = '[$path]($style)'
truncation_length = 0
truncate_to_repo = false
style = "yellow"
use_logical_path = true

git-prompt-string configuration

Nerd Font

By default, the powerline icon  is used as a prefix in the prompt. It is recommended to use a Nerd Font to properly display the  (nf-pl-branch) icon. See to download a Nerd Font. If you do not want this symbol, replace the prompt prefix with " ". For example, add the following to you git-prompt-string configuration.

prompt_prefix = ' '

Configuration file

git-prompt-string will first check if the --config option was passed as an argument. If --config is set, the filepath defined in the value will be used as the configuration file.

If --config is not set, then git-prompt-string will check if the environment variable $GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG is set. If $GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG is set, the filepath defined in the value will be used as the configuration file.

If $GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG is not set, then git-prompt-string will check if the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, the directory defined in then value will be used as the base directory for git-prompt-string configurations. See XDG Base Directory Specification for more information on XDG environment variables.

If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, then ~/.config and ~/AppData/Local will be used as the base directory for Unix and Windows, respectively.

The file defined at git-prompt-string/config.toml in the base directory will be used to configure git-prompt-string.

OS Base directory Configuration file
Unix ~/.config ~/.config/git-prompt-string/config.toml
Windows ~/AppData/Local ~/AppData/Local/git-prompt-string/config.toml

If the configuration filepath is set to the special value of NONE, then all user configurations will be ignored. For example, git-prompt-string --config=NONE or GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG=NONE git-prompt-string will use the default configuration values defined by git-prompt-string.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are available in either as a command-line argument or TOML key.

--ahead-format or ahead_format
      The format used to indicate the number of commits ahead of the
      remote branch. The %v verb represents the number of commits
      ahead. One %v verb is required. (default "↑[%v]")

--behind-format or behind_format
      The format used to indicate the number of commits behind the
      remote branch. The %v verb represents the number of commits
      behind. One %v verb is required. (default "↓[%v]")

--color-clean or color_clean
      The color of the prompt when the working directory is clean.
      (default "green")

--color-delta or color_delta
      The color of the prompt when the local branch is ahead, behind,
      or has diverged from the remote branch. (default "yellow")

--color-dirty or color_dirty
      The color of the prompt when the working directory has changes
      that have not yet been committed. (default "red")

--color-disabled or color_disabled
      Disable all colors in the color-disabled

--color-merging or color_merging
      The color of the prompt during a merge, rebase, cherry-pick,
      revert, or bisect. (default "blue")

--color-no-upstream or color_no_upstream
      The color of the prompt when there is no remote upstream branch.
      (default "bright-black")

--color-untracked or color_untracked
      The color of the prompt when there are untracked files in the
      working directory. (default "magenta")

--diverged-format or diverged_format
      The format used to indicate the number of commits diverged
      from the remote branch. The first %v verb represents the number
      of commits ahead of the remote branch. The second %v verb
      represents the number of commits behind the remote branch. Two
      %v verbs are required. (default "↕ ↑[%v] ↓[%v]")

--no-upstream-remote-format or no_upstream_remote_format
      The format used to indicate when there is no remote upstream,
      but there is still a remote branch configured. The first %v
      represents the remote repository. The second %v represents the
      remote branch. Two %v are required. (default " → %v/%v")

--prompt-prefix or prompt_prefix
      A prefix that is added to the beginning of the prompt. The
      powerline icon  is used be default. It is recommended to
      use a Nerd Font to properly display the  (nf-pl-branch) icon.
      See to download a Nerd Font. If you
      do not want this symbol, replace the prompt prefix with " ".
      \ue0a0 is the unicode representation of . (default " \ue0a0 ")

--prompt-suffix or prompt_suffix
      A suffix that is added to the end of the prompt.

      Output the results in JSON format. The keys of the JSON result are
      branchInfo, branchStatus, color, promptPrefix, and promptSuffix.
        "branchInfo": "main",
        "branchStatus": "",
        "color": "green",
        "promptPrefix": "  ",
        "promptSuffix": ""

Specifying colors

A color value in the configuration must be either a single color or multiple colors separated by white space.

Valid formats for a color are:

  • color
  • fg:color
  • bg:color
  • #ffffff
  • #fg:ffffff
  • #bg:ffffff
  • reset

The value reset will clear all text formatting and reset the color to the default value. Colors starting with bg or #bg are background colors. All other formats are considered foreground colors. i.e., red is equivalent to fg:reg.

Colors starting with # are considered a hex color code and must have 6 digits.

Valid colors are defined in the following table.

Color Code
black 0
red 1
green 2
yellow 3
blue 4
magenta 5
cyan 6
white 7
bright-black 8
bright-red 9
bright-green 10
bright-yellow 11
bright-blue 12
bright-magenta 13
bright-cyan 14
bright-white 15

The following are examples of valid color configurations:

color_no_upstream="reset fg:black bg:white"
color_untracked="fg:#ff0000 bg:#16f2aa"
color_merging="bg:#ccccff magenta"

Default configuration

prompt_prefix = '  '
prompt_suffix = ''
ahead_format = '↑[%v]'
behind_format = '↓[%v]'
diverged_format = '↕ ↑[%v] ↓[%v]'
no_upstream_remote_format = ' → %v/%v'
color_disabled = false
color_clean = 'green'
color_delta = 'yellow'
color_dirty = 'red'
color_untracked = 'magenta'
color_no_upstream = 'bright-black'
color_merging = 'blue'

📌 Alternatives

  • - bash/zsh git prompt support
  • bash-git-prompt - An informative and fancy bash prompt for Git users
  • zsh-git-prompt - Informative git prompt for zsh
  • starship - The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
    • You can integrate git-prompt-string with starship or use starship's builtin git configurations.
  • ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,200+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration.
    • ohmyzsh offers git plugins to customize the prompt
  • powerlevel10k - A Zsh theme
    • powerlevel10k offers git status integration into the prompt
  • oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
    • oh-my-posh offers a git segment to customize the prompt
  • fish_git_prompt - Fish has builtin git support to display information about the current git repository, if any.
  • gitprompt - a configurable, fast and zero-dependencies* way of getting the current git status to be displayed in the PROMPT.