
This is a prototype of a networking crate for bevy. This create provides a low-level networking plugin built on top of laminar

MIT License


Bevy Prototype Networking Laminar Plugin

Warning: This is a prototype and not ready for production use

This is a prototype of a networking crate for bevy. This create provides a low-level networking plugin built on top of laminar, which adds some simple reliability, ordering, and virtual connection options on top of a UDP socket.

Getting Started

  1. Add bevy_prototype_networking_laminar to Cargo.toml
bevy = "0.1"
bevy_prototype_networking_laminar = "0.1"
  1. Add the NetworkPlugin to your bevy app setup
use bevy_prototype_networking_laminar::NetworkingPlugin;


> .add_plugin(NetworkingPlugin)
  1. Use the NetworkResource to bind to a socket and send/broadcast messages
fn startup_system(net: ResMut<NetworkResource>) {

fn greeting_system(net: Res<NetworkResource>) {
  net.broadcast(b"How is everybody?", NetworkDelivery::ReliableSequenced(Some(1))).unwrap();
  1. Listen for NetworkEvents to receive incoming messages
struct NetworkListenerState {
    network_events: EventReader<NetworkEvent>,

      > .init_resource::<NetworkListenerState>()
      > .add_system(print_network_events.system())

fn print_network_events(
    mut state: ResMut<NetworkListenerState>,
    network_events: Res<Events<NetworkEvent>>,
) {
    for event in state.network_events.iter(&network_events) {
        println!("Received a NetworkEvent: {:?}", event);



The testbed is a simple project that provides a more comprehensive example of using bevy_prototype_networking_laminar.

The testbed is also is intended to serve as a testbed for any other networking prototypes or attempts. All interaction with bevy_prototype_networking_laminar is contained to examples/testbed/net/ Using the testbed with a different networking plugin should be as simple as updating to interact with the other networking plugin. Contributions to the testbed to improve the code quality, or make the testbed more comprehensive by adding other prototypical network interactions are welcome.

  • cargo run --example testbed -- -s to start a server
  • cargo run --example testbed -- -c foo to start a client named foo connecting to the server


When on the server, you:

  • can control the position of the cube with WASD
  • can click the "send a note" button to add random note to the NOTES list


When on the client, you:

  • cannot control the position of the cube
  • the cube's position should be syncrhonized with the server
  • you can click the "send a note" button to add a random note to the NOTES list
  • the NOTES list is syncrhonized with the server.


The simple example shows a very bare bones bevy application that will send messages back and forth.

  • cargo run --example simple -- -s start a server
  • cargo run --example simple -- -c start a client
$ cargo run --example simple -- -s
---> "How are things over there?"
<--- "Good." from
---> "How are things over there?"
<--- "Good." from
---> "How are things over there?"


This shows the ability to bind to multiple sockets.

$ cargo run --example multisocket
[SERVER] ---> "How are things?"
         ---> [CLIENT] "How are things?"

[CLIENT] ---> "Good. Thanks!"
         ---> [SERVER] "Good. Thanks!"

[SERVER] ---> "How are things?"
         ---> [CLIENT] "How are things?"

Future Work

The current prototype implementation is extremely rough and early. The current work is mostly about exploring to discover a Network Plugin API that fits the bevy design. Listed here is the current low-hanging fruit for improving this prototype:

  • #3 Closing sockets: The prototype right now doesn't have the ability to manually close a socket. Sockets are closed when the application exists. Add the functionality to manually close a socket.
  • Improve testbed: The testbed has a number of areas that could be improved
    • Repository split: If other projects have interest in using the testbed, split it out into it's own create/repository.
    • #4 Code cleanup: net/prototype interface: The testbed has some rough areas in the split between the net/ and net/ Consider cleaning up this interface to make it cleaner to implement a plugin integration
    • #6 Code cleanup: Message sync: The messages are currently fully serialized whenever a message is changed. Clean this up to be a better representation of the desired sync model so that the server only sends the changes on a Reliable channel, and the Client can request the full list of messages when they connect, or need to reset their state.
    • Explore additional prototypical network interactions: The server sync'd cube example relies on there being a single cube. Consider introducing something that has multiple copies being sync'd to demonstrate sharing stable IDs across the network. Find other ways to expand the testbed to be more representative of the needs of real games.
  • Explore additional useful networking features: amethyst-network exposes a network simulation time, which helps synchornize time and track frame lag when sending network messages over the system. Explore this concept, and other common networking tasks that would be useful in a low-level networking plugin.
  • Explore shared transport API: Explore sharing a similar API surface with other Networking Plugins (or integrating other transports into this plugin), so that callers can easily switch between UDP, TCP, Laminar, WebRTC, Naia, etc.


  • Thanks first of all to the amethyst team for laminar
  • Thanks again to the amethyst team for amethyst-network


Licesened under the MIT license.