
Pro Java Clustering and Scalability: Building Real-Time Apps with Spring, Cassandra, Redis, WebSocket and RabbitMQ


Pro Java Clustering and Scalability: Building Real-Time Apps with Spring, Cassandra, Redis, WebSocket and RabbitMQ

Technologies used in this project

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data (JPA / Cassandra / Redis)
  • Spring Security
  • Spring WebSocket
  • Spring Session
  • Cassandra
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ
  • MySQL
  • JUnit, Mockito and TestContainers (spin up Docker containers for Integration Tests)
  • Thymeleaf, JQuery and Bootstrap
  • Apache Maven (Surefire and Failsafe plugins)

Setting up this project locally

Note: The fastest way to get this application up and running locally is using Docker and Docker Compose. Be sure that you have at least Docker 1.13.0 and Docker Compose 1.11.2 installed on your machine.

  1. Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/jorgeacetozi/ebook-chat-app-spring-websocket-cassandra-redis-rabbitmq.git
  1. Enter the repository directory:
$ cd ebook-chat-app-spring-websocket-cassandra-redis-rabbitmq
  1. Set up the dependencies (Cassandra, Redis, MySQL and RabbitMQ with STOMP support):
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose/dependencies.yml up
  1. Download and start the application:
$ wget https://github.com/jorgeacetozi/ebook-chat-app-spring-websocket-cassandra-redis/releases/download/ebook-chat-1.0.0/ebook-chat-1.0.0.jar && java -jar ebook-chat-1.0.0.jar
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and have fun!

Basic Usage

  1. Sign in with username admin and password admin
  2. Create a New Chat Room and logout
  3. Create your private account
  4. Sign in with your account credentials
  5. Join the chat room
  6. Open a new incognito window and create another account
  7. Sign in with this another account
  8. Join the chat room
  9. Send some messages
  10. Open the other browser window and see the messages coming
  11. Click the username to send private messages
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