
A demo showing some of what is possible with OpenTelemetry and the Typelevel stack


Context Propagation with otel4s

System Requirements

This application depends on scala, sbt and docker. It was developed with sbt 1.9.8, scala 3.3.1 and Docker 25.0.3. Other version will likely work for all dependencies.

System Architecture

Below is a diagram of the whole system. The arrows from one service to another represent the direction the data flows. system architecture


Built the docker containers by running sbt docker

Run docker compose up -d to start all containers.

After a second or two run the following command in the console.

curl -X POST localhost:8080/api/v1/push_message?message=hello!

you should get a response telling you how long it waited in the gRPC server.

Viewing the Datastores


Go to http://localhost:5601/app/dev_tools#/console Run the following query:

GET elastic_messages/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}


Log into postgres using something like DBeaver. Run the following query:

select * from postgres_messages;


Start a CQL session using docker

docker run --rm -it --network oteldemo-network nuvo/docker-cqlsh cqlsh cassandra 9042 --cqlversion='3.4.6'

then run

select * from store.cassandra_messages;


To see traces for each http request go to http://localhost:16686/search. Individual traces look like what is displayed below. jaeger trace

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