
Yet another (but somewhat novel) virtual DOM library

EPL-1.0 License



Yet another Virtual DOM library (in ClojureScript).


Don't. At least not yet.

But if you want to play with it, checkout playground.cljs.

The playground code uses an example "mini-framework" called bbloom.vdom.syntax. This mini-framework predates the IDom protocol and violates encapsulation. The mini-framework will be rewritten/eliminated soon. My forthcoming framework relies on IDom, so the protocol is likely to remain somewhat stable.


  • Low-level design with minimal policy (like virtual-dom).
  • Enable idiomatic use from ClojureScript.
  • Be as fast as necessary for responsive user interfaces.
  • Provide a richer abstraction of the DOM. See "novelty" below.
  • Offer host escape hatches without callback hooks.


Or just goals to be realized by a higher layer.

  • Assign node IDs automatically.
  • Normalize browser behavior.
  • Provide a widget or component model (a la React.js).
  • Win any benchmarks.
  • Be usable from JavaScript.
  • Support older browsers.


What makes this Virtual DOM library different?

  • Represent the DOM as an immutable graph value.
  • Manage detached nodes.
  • Support re-parenting (eg for drag-and-drop).


There's a great many problems that more-feature-complete DOM libraries such as React.js tackle. A low-level virtual DOM library is not an appropriate platform for application developers. However, a high-level virtual DOM library bakes in a large amount of policy that may be inappropriate for alternative frameworks. For example, React uses runtime techniques to normalize browser behavior, but given compiler support (such as ClojureScript macros), you may choose a more static approach to work around browser quirks or optimize inline styles.

I wanted a low-level DOM library for experimenting with high-level frameworks from ClojureScript. My intention is to enforce strict system layering, but ownership over every layer enables me to make changes in the appropriate place.


Generalized tree diffing has high algorithmic complexity, so virtual DOM implementations take advantage of the time dimension by diffing trees level-by-level on the assumption that there are typically few large structural changes. Worst case becomes linear and early-out tests for subtrees means that typical diffing is logarithmic.

An alternative approach to capitalize on the same assumptions is to do the equivalent of a "hash join" when calculating a diff. If every node has a unique ID, and those IDs are stable over time, fast linear diffing is easily achieved by visiting each node in the new virtual DOM and looking it up in the previous virtual DOM's hash table.

This approach allows more freedom of movement for nodes around the tree, at the cost of the additional bookkeeping required to ensure ID stability. A component model built on this foundation can provide automatic-ID assignment via structural path + discriminator key, which matches the level-by-level approach. While the virtual DOM diffing remains linear, the higher-level can easily recover the typically-logarithmic times, which is where the constant factors are higher (for data fetching, change detection, etc). However, such a component model could also represent IDs beyond the scope of a single parent, and therefore support reparenting of real DOM nodes when virtual nodes are reparented. This reparenting is useful for complex interactions such as drag-and-drop between containers, pop-out panels, or components shared between different views.

To this end, the virtual DOM is not represented as a tree, but as a graph. The graph is itself represented as several indexes over structured nodes which have an ID, type/tag, properties, a parent, and ordered children. The graph is designed to be "mounted" on to zero or more places in a "host" DOM. Virtual nodes can reparent between mounts and even exist detached from any mount. This more closely models the actual DOM APIs, where nodes can move freely and may have a null parent. Immutability is used pervasively and reference equality is maintained wherever possible for fast equality checks. Patches are represented in terms of traditional DOM API manipulations, so that there's a nearly one-to-one operational interpretation.

Great as the virtual DOM idea is, there's plenty of other useful code out there that is worth leveraging. It must remain possible to integrate with the real browser DOM without compromising the integrety of the virtual DOM abstraction. Rather than exposing callback-based lifecycle hooks, applying a diff to the browser DOM maintains the virtual/real mapping and reports created or freed nodes for processing at the level of a component model.


Ping me if you're interested, I'm excited to discuss what you've got in mind.


Copyright © 2015 Brandon Bloom

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.